Nothing I totally believe in Jesus and give my heart and life to Him.
2006-06-11 20:19:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Nothing happened in my life to make me not believe in Christ. I was raised going to church all the time. I went to Sunday school, I went to church functions all the time, my best friend/neighbors dad was a pastor at the church I went to even. The whole time I just saw it as something to do, though. I didn't believe what I was being told. I thought of it as just a place to go and hear these made-up stories and such. I am a skeptic by nature and I always have been. I could never grasp christianity and there's really nothing anyone can do about that. When I was little I wanted to believe it, but I couldn't. I still can't. I didn't agree with a lot of what I was being taught either. Honestly, I think Christianity and other religions of that type are far too prejudice. So, I am an agnostic. I think there's a possibility that there's a higher power, but the larger part of me believes that there really isn't. Some people can believe it, some people can't. It's a fact of life and that's never going to change.
2006-06-11 20:23:28
answer #2
answered by Andee 3
it was after a horrendously painful relationship, after i found out the person i was with had been sleeping with guys for the entire previous four years we were together, after she had been so jealous she deemed me "unsafe" to hang around other girls or talk to them at parties. i was in therapy once a week for a year, pretty much in an emotional black hole, and was begging and pleading for god to turn back time so that i could have her back and not live with the pain.
after it was all over with, i came to the realization that the reason there was no answer to my prayers was that i was knocking on a door that had nothing behind it. the explanation that god was there and LET all that happen was just not holding any water anymore, and the notion that god did not exist began to make more and more sense as it had no contradictory evidence. once i accepted this idea, things began to fall into place, i was less frustrated, less angry, became more responsible for the direction of my life, and became more logical and (particularly) efficient with solving my issues. it was really the best thing i ever did. now i focus on goals and problems in my life without the complication of involving the little "imaginary friend" who is helpful in name only. life is tough enough without making up pseudo father figures that will pull you out of things. i prefer to be responsible and realistic, it seems scary but it is not that bad once you get used to it.
2006-06-12 16:37:39
answer #3
answered by wyderp 4
I believe in the historical figure Christ but not his omnipotent counter part .
The minute HUBBLE brings back pics of a white guy with a beard and white robe spinning the universe on his finger tips I promise I'll become a nun ...just don't hold your breath .
2006-06-11 20:25:37
answer #4
answered by shellers 3
Its not that I don't believe in JC.... he definitely did exist... and some of his teachings are poignant and beautiful... I just don't believe that he is the savior of all mankind... for that to be true we would all have to behave the way he outlined, you know, peace and justice and brotherhood and so on... and that whole 'turn the other cheek' thing and even the most rabid Christians cannot adhere to this fundamental cornerstone of Jesus' philosophy, its just so counter to human nature. I think its a wonderful thing to try and emulate Jesus in all aspects of your day to day life, but to believe that he is going to return to Earth someday to carry home His faithful followers is both counter-productive and insane.
2006-06-11 20:24:33
answer #5
answered by eggman 7
Lots of Christians claim by their faith to follow Jesus but i have hardly meet that many who actually practice what they preach. On a theological level, when i started to ask deeper questions, church leaders feel threatened. Anway, logically other paths make more sense and are less judgmental and hypocritical. If Christ really exists i feel bad for Him, so many of his followers can be real jerks.
2006-06-11 20:24:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
of course believing Christ does not mean one believes on Christianity
2006-06-11 20:19:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe in Christ. I was raised to talk to him and love him. He has helped me through many hard time. He also brought me very happy times too.
2006-06-11 20:19:22
answer #8
answered by Mrs. Mac 4 5
I believe in Christ - as an important figure from history, and an all round pretty cool dude who spoke up for what he believed in....
As for Christianity - forget it!
2006-06-11 20:19:16
answer #9
answered by LadyRebecca 6
I studied the Bible and found contradictions between the New and Old Testaments. I found contradictions between various Gospels within the New Testament. I found many things problematic about the Christian beliefs. So, it was an intellectual journey that led me to not believe.
2006-06-11 20:37:17
answer #10
answered by Heron By The Sea 7
I believe in Jesus Christ.
2006-06-11 20:20:16
answer #11
answered by Amy 5