Get financial aid. Also, start out at a community college. Keep your grades way up (try to change those B's to A's), and when you transfer to a 4 year college or university, a scholarship will be very possible. Don't give up on college. Go to a university admissions couselor. Ask her/him what your options are. If you have good grades, they want a student like you in their college, especially if you leave their school beaming about how they helped you reach your dreams. Good luck!
2006-06-11 10:37:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Most colleges and universities offer financial aid, which could either cover a good portion of your tuition or even the entire price.
And if you get mostly As and a couple Bs, I'd say your chances of getting a scholarship are high. Apply for as many as you can!
2006-06-11 10:35:28
answer #2
answered by buffy fan 5
You certainly can't be sure of getting a scholarship, but apply for as many as you can. With your grades, you're bound to get at least a couple. Absolutely fill out a fafsa form to apply for federal student aid. This is GRANT money, not a loan, which means it does not have to be paid back. The amount of your grant depends on how much your parents earn. You may not get enough to pay for everything, but every little bit helps. Good luck. And remember, apply for every single scholarship you can find! Talk to your school guidance counselor/advisor for more information on applying for scholarships.
2006-06-11 10:41:52
answer #3
answered by sparklekitty1211 2
Always apply for financial aid. A lot of colleges will offer you some money. Remember, though, that college is possible for everyone in the United States. You can always go to college if you want to. It might be a state college, it might be a community college, but you can always go to college if you want to.
2006-06-11 10:36:25
answer #4
answered by quepie 6
Apply for financial aid anyway. There's a good chance you could get some help. And keep in mind that community colleges are usually cheaper than universities.
2006-06-11 10:34:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you live in the state of Georgia and you attend a college in the state of Georgia and you have a 3.0 GPA or higher, your tuition is free as long as you maintain that GPA. This is called the "Hope Scholarship." A lot of other states have similar programs (I think that Florida has it too). Ohio does not though.
2006-06-11 10:35:45
answer #6
answered by Princess 5
You are almost certainly eligible for student loans. Of course, you will have to pay them off after graduation but the interest is low. There is also the option of working through school to help defray costs and if you can live at home it makes it even more affordable.
2006-06-11 10:36:54
answer #7
answered by daveduncan40 6
Government loans for college can be achieved....its paying them back after thats hard. Make sure it isnt an english lit degree
2006-06-11 10:55:28
answer #8
answered by bigjimmyguy 4