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2 answers

It has to be said, but it would have been faster and easier to just open up the computer to check what kind of video card your computer can accept.

The time it took you to register your nick on Yahoo! answers, then post your question, you could have already opened the thing up and found out what kind it took.

If your computer is a brand name computer, one possible way is to just look up that particular model at the manufacturers website. Most of them list what type of video card slot your computer has. I've looked up this info with ease from HP's website as well as eMachines, so I'm sure that you can easily find out that info from your manufacturer as well, provided your computer is from a brand name company. Otherwise, the only way I know how to tell for sure is to open it up to visually inspect the slot.

Good luck.

2006-06-11 20:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by smc1377 3 · 0 0

look in the manual.

2006-06-12 07:54:26 · answer #2 · answered by justme 7 · 0 0

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