Normal hair growth is 1/2 inch per month. You can speed it up to 3/4 inch per month by:
taking vitamins
scalp massage
wear you hair up (it protects it from the environment)
get it trimmed on a regular basis (no trims lead to ratty ends and lots of splitting/breakage)
use a satin pillowcase
use a boar bristle brush
do final rinse with distilled water
do not shampoo daily
avoid metal hair accessories
To improve it's health and then keep it healthy:
avoid processing it (dying, perming, highlighting, etc) on your own; if you need those services, pay a salon so no damage is done
avoid heat (blow drying, flat ironing, hot rollers, etc.)
Those trims are important! Split ends and broken strands will make you hair look worse and also add to the unhealthy appearance of your hair.
2006-06-11 09:37:54
answer #1
answered by ilse72 7
Well, first off get it trimmed. The split dead ends make it look bad and they split up the hairs to make it weaker and less likely to grow longer. Also, you can take a vitamin E caspule and break it into a cup of olive oil and heat t for like a minute in the microwave and put it on your hair for 5-10 minutes. Best wishes
2006-06-11 09:34:27
answer #2
answered by colorist 6
I'm not a hair dresser, but my first thought is that you should visit a stylist and have the damaged part of your hair cut off. Even if your hair is shorter in the near-term, when it grows out it will be much stronger and healthier and therefore less prone to breakage.
2006-06-11 09:35:27
answer #3
answered by la_sin_ventura 2
To get your hair to grow faster let your hair stay down instead of up in a ponytail or a bun. To make it healthier use garnier shampoo. It reduces grease and makes your hair shine and become healthier.
2006-06-11 09:45:06
answer #4
answered by MonkeyBrains 3
Scruples brand hair products are awesome. They have made my hair grow close to a foot in just one year. I use Scruples moisture bath shampoo to wash my hair and i use Scruples moisturex intensive moisturizing hair treatment for a conditioner. I purchase it on ebay as Scruples is a salon sold brand.. a little pricey, but well worth it. I bought a 1 liter bottle of the Scruples moisture bath shampoo last August, and still have 1/3 of a bottle.. but, i have went through 2 bottles of the moisturizing conditioner since last August.... great product...Scruples
2006-06-11 09:38:38
answer #5
answered by mullikindonna 2
Cut your hair!!! It may sound drastic, but hair that is cut grows back much faster. Even a trim up of the ends can help it grow faster.
2006-06-11 09:33:45
answer #6
answered by Bonita 3
I would say changer your shampoo, and make sure you don't get split ends. Split ends make it harder for hair to grow, so trim like an inch every two months off, it will take a while, but get rid of split ends. :)
good luck to you.
2006-06-11 09:48:05
answer #7
answered by Karla Usagi 2
take vitamins and deep treat it regularly, that stops breakage and keeps it healthy and healthy hair grows faster
trimming your hair end only doesn't necessarily make your hair grow any faster it is good for the hair tho but it doesn't necessarily work
2006-06-11 09:34:34
answer #8
answered by kay 2
yep and i think im the right person too! i have very long hair and healthy hair too! i usaully wash my hair every day and every other day i put on shampoo or conditioner!im from india so i use paruchute oil wich is coconut oil u just put it on ur hair and leave it there i usually just sleep in it and wash my hair in the morning and it makes my hair feel healty and long i hope it works on u!
2006-06-11 09:34:29
answer #9
answered by asma 2
You can get little trim off the bottom and that helps grow better and look good too.
2006-06-11 09:33:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous