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I will probably be going in Nov or Dec and my time there is limited to about 8 days. I've been looking around on the internet and it seems that there are just so many places and so many things to do and see that I cant make any kind of decisions. Whats the best place to go, north or south island? Also, I will probably be staying in one hotel during the trip, so what would be the best base region/town/city to stay in so that I can see and do all the best things that I can fit in? What are the things that I must absolutely see/do? Any help would be appreciatied.

2006-06-10 18:57:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Australia Other - Australia

5 answers

You absolutely have to take in Queenstown. It is just breathtaking. Heaps of exciting stuff to do. Bungee jumping is something I think everyone should do at least once in their lives. There's heaps of wine tours and more mellow activities to take in too but just being in that beautiful scenery is absolutely rejuvenating for the soul. It is summer in Dec but it has still been fairly chilly at that time for the past two years. Rotorua has cool stuff to do but it smells bad cos of the sulphur. Auckland is good but only for a day or two. Wellington is very arty. Hope you have a great time=)

2006-06-11 01:53:52 · answer #1 · answered by sticky 7 · 1 0

That's a lot of stuff in one question. I'll try to give you some ideas the best I can.

December in NZ would be Summer. This opens up options to visit the many beaches in NZ. If this is your main goal, then I think the main city you should base your travels out of would be Auckland on the North Island. Auckland is NZ's largest and most culturally diverse city. However, it is probably the poorest representation of the "true NZ". During the summer, Auckland would put you near many great beach destinations. Piha beach is probably my favorite, but further north is the Bay of Islands, 90 Mile Beach...etc. Also, Auckland Int. Airport should be the terminal you enter NZ through.

Another option would be Wellington. This is on the far south end of the North Island. It's a beautiful city. I personally prefer it to Auckland. This puts you in range of the South Island by ferry and parts of the North Island as well. If staying here, I would recommend traveling north to Taupo to hike Tongariro(sp) mountain.

If a more alpine adventure is is your idea of fun, I'd go for Queenstown in the South Island. This would give you access to some beautiful sightseeing such as Mt. Cook, Mt. Aspiring, and the West Coast of the South Island, which also has fantastic beaches (that are different from the north island).

If at all possible, I would recommend not staying in one hotel. You will not be able to see nearly as much as you should in 8 days. The roads and transportation system in NZ don't accomodate well to day trips. If you want to see the most and best of NZ I reccomend: fly in to Auckland, see Piha beach then travel north to the Bay of Islands, travel back south (either by to Wellington, or find a flight to Wellington from Auckland), do the Tongariro Crossing on your way to Wellington if by road, take the ferry across Cook's Strait (3hours), travel by road (rent a car in Picton maybe?) down the west coast of the South Island (the scenery on the drive is one of the best things you'll see in NZ, Visit/hike Franz Joseph or Fox Glacier, See/ hike on Mt. Cook., Get to Queenstown and depending on time left either fly back to Auckland before for departure or drive back to Picton(where ferry enters South Island) to go back to Wellington then Auckland. There may be some things on the east coast of the South Island, but all I had the chance to see was Christchurch, which I thought was no big deal. There are a couple of neat small towns.

Don't underestimate the size of NZ. Their roads and speed limits really make the country quite large. 8 days by road won't let you see and experience all of NZ, but I highly recommend both Islands, they're completely different.

Hope this helped.

2006-06-11 04:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by Mick 2 · 1 0

I have lived in NZ all my life (56 years) so can give you plenty of advice. It depends on your age and interests as to what I can suggest you do.

There are, as you say, plenty of options. If you intend staying in one hotel, I suggest you choose Rotorua. There are lots of things to do there, and it is central for other attractions, including Waitomo Caves, Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings, Lake Taupo and the Bay of Plenty. And in Rotorua, you can jetboat, bungy, skydive, zorb, fish, waterski and luge.

I am happy to give you more info if you wish.

2006-06-11 05:41:30 · answer #3 · answered by RogerW 3 · 1 0

here's an answer for your other question..(Our Lady Peace?) Blue October has some good stuff.. Modest Mouse.. Billy Talent... 12 Stones... Flyleaf... Unwritten Law... The Dresden Dolls... Trapt ... Saliva... Custom.. Get your fileshare cranking.. all good stuff if you like OLP

2006-06-15 01:35:07 · answer #4 · answered by lost_but_not_hopeless 5 · 0 1

I've listed a URL below.

I hope you have a wonderful time in my homeland.

2006-06-12 02:36:22 · answer #5 · answered by freecyclister 3 · 1 0