Neither 1 Corinthians nor 1 Timothy were written "under the law" or durring the Old Testament. They were both written by the Apostle Paul long after the death and resurection of Christ Jesus. They are New Testament writtings. Also, neither 1st nor 2nd Timothy were written by Timothy. They are both epistles from the Apostle Paul to Timothy. The fact that so few Christians know about this shows how few Christians study the Bible. This also explains the abundance of hypocrisy in the so called "church".
Do not call yourself a child of Christ if you are going to disobey His teachings. Also, Christ doesn't care what century we live in. Christ does not change with time. The doctrines of marriage, family, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, pastors, etc... still stands. Christ does not change with time nor society.
ROMANS 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
This is why the world has no respect for Christ nor His Church. 90% of those of you who say you are Christian do not even follow your own Lord's doctrine. If the Church does not respect and uphold the doctrine of Christ, why should she rebuke the world for their disobediance? Without obediance you'r all going to the same place.
2006-06-11 14:52:03
answer #1
answered by man_id_unknown 4
The scriptures are not out of context. Paul was speaking to the Corinthians and to Timothy about the role of women in the church at that time. Women were not considered equal back then but now they are so this is an out-of-date law, just like the law that says a man must run in front of a car, driven by a woman, waving a red flag to warn others that a woman is driving. (True out-of-date law in Memphis, TN still on the books but not enforced.)
2006-06-10 03:32:57
answer #2
answered by BBQribs 3
First of all I think you have taken these two scriptures a little out of context. The bible lifts women up as being strong and beautiful and necessary for a successful church. These two scriptures simply imply that women should not be loud, disrespectful or in places of authority. Look... I am a woman and I definitely don't feel that I or any other woman really should stand in positions that God designated for men. There are simply things that men and women both do better than the other. I know that there are many women out there that are very successful at preaching the word, but they have gone beyond what God favors and has designed us to do. My congregation does permit women to teach children's church and lead women's bible studies. But, women are nurturers by design and it would be hard for me to picture all the men in our congregation throwing a bridal shower or baby shower - taking care of the nursery and making a cake for a potluck. There are certain things that we are can do... and things that we should do. I believe that when a woman puts herself in a position over men then she is basically castrating the men that should feel a desire to serve and help by leading the people in the ways of God. If women led everything in the church then there would be a congregation of lazy men with no point to their walk.
2006-06-10 03:11:19
answer #3
answered by anda 2
We are not bound by Law but are under grace. However Paul was addressing the fact that women like to whisper in public
Yes- even in Church
As far as teaching, well there was a problem with submission in that congregation and where women are out of submission they must not teach. Read the whole passage
2006-06-10 02:57:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Some Christians take this as a literal translation, some do not. I for one, do. I believe the husband is to be the spiritual head of the household, and if there is something I do not understand, I am to go to him. If he does not understand then he will ask & find the answers for me. I know there are women who are preachers, but I personally would not attend a church with a woman as a leader. Just my personal beliefs.
And to answer your question, the bible states that the man is the spiritual head. That's why women aren't "allowed" to speak.
2006-06-10 02:55:14
answer #5
answered by paj 5
Check out these ladies in the Bible:
Ruth. Esther. Rahab. Deborah. Sarah.
Mary. Suzanne. Joanne. Mary of Bethany. Martha. Mary Magdalene.
I could go on all day. Some of the most important people in the Bible are women. Maybe if you picked it up off the coffee table, blew the dust off of it, and read it, once in awhile, you might know about these ladies God loves.
As someone else mentioned, you are living proof that society ought not to let some men speak.
Who is it that gets the family up and dressed for church on Sunday morning? Betcha it ain't Daddy!!
2006-06-10 03:08:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you have to read this passage in the context in which it was given. I heard one contextual criticism that the early church had a lot of congregational disruption by both males and females and Paul instructions here was intended to address this problem. The application today as far as the role in women in the church is a personal choice. Can men learn from a woman? I hope so. My wife and I both hold that a man is to be the spiritual leader in the home but where a man may fail to accept this role for himself the woman should lead the children then in pursuit of God. We have attended a church where a woman was the pastor but we would rather have a man as our Pastor. We do not negate the ability of women being instruments of Gods means to bring about His ends but make it a personal preference to desire a patriarchal figure as our spiritual leader. The Bible is replete with examples of women as prophets and instruments of Gods revelation to man but as Christ is the head of the church, we believe that a man best exemplifies the pattern suggested by scripture. This does not stand as something worth dividing over in the body of Christ and given the apparent lack of men in today's Christian venue that will stand up and follow Christ in deed and word I have no doubt that God will use whatever means He finds necessary to reach the hearts of the lost.
2006-06-10 03:29:26
answer #7
answered by perplexed 4
1 Corinithians Chap 14 is about Orderly Worship
Paul had written to the Cornithians, as in their culture, women were not allowed religious education as the men were, and it was causing division within the Church. He was addressing that the women refrain from disrupting services to question the Men with their Christian freedom, he did not want it flaunted. Rather to be asked about at home.
2006-06-10 03:03:26
answer #8
answered by DollyLama 5
Sir, please read the entire passage of 1 Timothy 2:11-15. The issue is authority, not speaking. And since God is God, He determines to whom He will give authority.
For all you chauvinists out there, go read 1 Corinthians 11:7b and Genesis 2:18 and Proverbs 18:22 and Proverbs 31:10. These things are not said about men--EVER!!
2006-06-10 03:03:21
answer #9
answered by JSB2 2
That's a good question. There it is, right there in the Bible, but I really don't know of any Christian denomination which follows that. (Maybe Amish)
I was taught that since church gatherings were held in the homes back then, and that was the women's domain, it became a struggle between household custom and church hierarchy about who was supposed to be running things.
The problem solved itself when worship moved to churches because it was then neutral territory. As we all know, Jesus said there was no difference in God's eyes between men and women.
2006-06-10 03:01:33
answer #10
answered by nancy jo 5
Pay attention all of you who choose to take the Bible absolutely literally! If this question bothered you, then you need to rethink all the other stuff in the Bible you take literally as well!
I don't take the Bible literally, but look to the examples within it. And there are many examples of female leaders in the Bible who did way more than speak in church: Deborah, Priscilla, the whole church of Phillipi... you get the picture.
2006-06-10 03:02:57
answer #11
answered by squirellywrath 4