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Im tired of lifting and eating right and still coming up short. I want to know what he big boys are using. If your using something that has given you freakesh streangth and size let me know what it is. I've heard of D-bol and Growth factor what do you suggest. Please don't tell me drugs are bad Im looking for a serious answer.

2006-06-09 23:55:04 · 1 answers · asked by D* ROW 1 in Health Men's Health

1 answers

NO steroid is good for you ..It not only causes heart problems but digestive , impotency , hair loss , kidney and liver problems . you are probably at your peak now and need to add a few more tings to your regime. Stay off steroids ,, no matter legal or not they will kill you

2006-06-10 00:00:30 · answer #1 · answered by vpsinbad50 6 · 0 1