24, liberal, BA in Government Administration, BA in Philosophy, MA in Public Administration, working on my PHD. I see what you are getting at, the more educated I became, the more liberal.
2006-06-12 11:02:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You sound like a pompous a**, but yes I am a republican and I am a conservative, yes I have a 4 year degree in Management.
Republicans cover all age groups. They are generally white because we do not make false promises like those do on the left to ethnic groups about a seat at our table. That said you are more likely to get acceptance within our party for any race than you will on the left. For example Republicans would elect Condi Rice for president but Democrats would never elect any Black Candidate on their side.
If you feel that we are uneducated, that is a result of being indoctrinated in the mostly liberal colleges in the United States that claim that having conservative ideas is somehow unintellectual and incorrect. I am not sure but if I look around it is the right that has actually proposed solutions to problems like them or not and the left does nothing but criticize them while offering nothing on their own.
Education is not everything either at some point you have to learn common sense and that is something that those on the left have very little of.
2006-06-09 08:35:23
answer #2
answered by Arvadaman 3
I wonder why you think that college makes a person smart. It doesn't, it makes them intelligent. There's a difference. Some of the dumbest people I know are college-educated. It's true, I am young, white, have a high school diploma and am Republican. But for you to stereotype all conservatives and Republicans like that is incredibly ignorant and seemingly un-liberal. What happened to tolerance for people with different points of view? That, more than anything else, is why I am not a Democrat. They preach tolerance, diversity and understanding, as long as you think like they do. Otherwise you are some backwoods retard. Face it, there are a lot of well-educated, non-whites out there who identify with the Republican platform. To say that their views are less valid than yours because they don't think like you do is not un-Democrat, or un-liberal. It's just un-American.
2006-06-09 09:02:46
answer #3
answered by Incorrectly Political 5
Neither. I vote based on their voting record, and how close they are to my opinions. Sometimes it will be a Democrat that is closest, some times it is a republican. I do not vote by party, I vote by candidate and isues. I am still pursuing my college degree at a 4 year university.
Most of the people on Yahoo answers are teenagers and probably don't vote much at all or know anything about the candidates or the issues other than what they are spoon fed by biased media.
2006-06-09 08:10:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am college educated ... independent... I don't vote any party, I vote for the person.. but I don't necessarily agree with your theory.... there are plenty of educated and non educated in both parties...as well as more of a mix ethnically today than years ago... at one time the democratic party stood more for the average person, middle America and the republican party stood more for the rich.... today its not so clear cut... anymore... not to mention you can have a liberal republican, or a conservative democrat etc.... and each of them would be more similar to how people generally define the opposite party... voting loyally to any one party is voting blind...and as far as I'm concerned is indicative of dogmatic thinking... either way...
2006-06-09 08:17:07
answer #5
answered by Ms Fortune 7
A Republican with a Masters Degree in Business Administration....100% pure capitalist pig and proud of it....I am curious about one thing. You noted that no one should take offense because you "really" wanted to know? If that we're true then why write out "RePUBICan" the way you did? It makes you appear quite intolerant actually.
2006-06-09 08:19:51
answer #6
answered by netjr 6
Conservative, BA Int'l Relations, BA European Studies. White, 25 yrs. old.
Conservative, meaning I support a strict interpretation of the Constitution, Laissez Faire economics, small Federal gov't with more power going to the local and state gov'ts, secure borders,
personal responsibility, etc.
I say conservative rather than Republican because sometimes even the Repub's do things I don't agree with.
2006-06-09 08:52:23
answer #7
answered by B.C. 4
Is an actual leftist leaning towards anarchism. Democrats are for the most part right-wing conservatives, at least from my experience.
I am currently attending a 4 year university in Nebraska and working on dual majors in Poli Sci and History.
2006-06-09 08:13:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Republican here... but always research the issues, persons running for office, never vote along party lines, but according to my conscience and understanding of morality. I have a masters degree and teach at a community college connected with a major university. It is always important to never catagorize people into convenient little covie holes. Let people be themselves whether liberal or conservative, schooled or not. They all have a voice regardless and should be respected for that reason. You want to change the face of america... get out and vote, run for office... do your part!
coaching for success
2006-06-09 08:19:05
answer #9
answered by ciscokidofhearts 3
Conservative - nominally Republican but lean Libertarian. I believe in the limited government and liberties and freedoms of the Constitution, not nanny-state liberalism/socialism.
BS Engineering, numerous graduate level classes in Engineering and management.
Not young.
Not ethnic - not no damned hyphenated-American.
2006-06-09 08:20:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
unfaithful Republican,( you can check my q and a and see my answer for why I am republican cause that's a whole different answer),semi literate,semi college educated, changed major to english, writer,still working on it full time student, formerly full time nurse, minority, part tennessee hillbilly,freakin puerto rican, mexican and spanish, non deportable , second generation American fathers side of family, third geneation American mothers side of family,
your stereotype does not work there are many college educated via military Republicans and many Republicans in Orange County who are affluent, I am a former native of Orange County California, and stereotypes are a poor way to understand something, I agree with the philospher Francis Bacon, when we start with certainties we end up with doubts, when we start with doubts we end up with certainties, in otherwords keep an open questioning mind and use an inductive rather than deductive approach
2006-06-09 08:19:21
answer #11
answered by Anonymous