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25 answers

i have no idea on why someone would want to go through labor again, and not to mention late night feeding/diaper changes and COLIC!

2006-06-09 05:01:40 · answer #1 · answered by piscesone80 1 · 1 0

I was an only child (until I was 8) and it was rather boring. My parents divorced when I was very young and my mother dated here and there but never anything serious enough to have another child. My father remarried and had 3 children, the first when I was 8, the second when I was 9 and the third when I was 11. When they were babies it was good but as they got older and I got older they were such pains in the butt to me I couldn't stand it. I think 8 years is too much of an age difference.
I always said I wanted at least 2 children so they would have someone to grow up with and to play. I have one son who is 7. I am no longer with his father but I do have a live in boyfriend for the last 4 years. We've talked about having a child (he has no children of his own) but everytime I think about what the age difference will be between them I change my mind. I guess it depends on peoples' individual lives and what they want and where they are in life at that point in time. I was 21 when my son was born and I remember feeling like I wasn't ready to be a mother and how in the world was I going to do it. But like anything you learn to deal with the cards you're delt and if I do end up having another child I will be able to handle the age difference. At least I know from my own experiences what it was like being that much older than my siblings and I could help my son though. Just for the record, I am very very close with both my sisters and my brother now. They are still pains in the butt sometimes but I'm soooo happy I have them! I went alittle off the subject but I hope my story helps. Brandi =)

2006-06-09 07:25:17 · answer #2 · answered by Brandi 2 · 0 0

My personal reason: I love children. I have 3 sons and a new baby on the way. My oldest two are ONE year and FOUR days apart. I wanted my oldest to have a lifelong companion and friend. They are now 7 & 6 and they are the best of friends.

The religious reason: children are a gift from God and it is our duty to go forth and reproduce.

Now for the scientific reasoning people in general have more than one child:
To continue to replace the existing people in the world. If every couple only had one child then our worlds population would cut in half by every generation. So for some it is reasonable for them to only have one, but that means that some other couple will end up having 3 children (to make up for the child someone else didn't have) Some people have no children at all, so that leaves it WIDE open for some people (like the woman on discovery health that has 16 kids) to have as many as they see fit.

I hope this answers your question.

2006-06-09 05:22:33 · answer #3 · answered by Just me.... 4 · 0 0

If parents only have 1 child, then the country will have a negative growth, which is what China did for a while. A country with negative growth will eventually have too many old people and not enough young people to pay taxes, and in turn the country will not have enough money to pay pensions.

Having 2 children will mean that a country will have neutral growth, because the 2 children will replace the 2 parents when they die. Anything more than 2 results in positive growth.

All countries want positive growth so that they have a large enough labour pool for all the jobs in the country, especially those in the army.

How does this answer your question? I don't know. You just sound like a jealous brat.

2006-06-09 05:06:25 · answer #4 · answered by Michael 3 · 0 0

Maybe b/c having children is a blessing from God above. Having the gift of reproduction is amazing and heartfelt. Don't be so selfish, they probably enjoyed you so much they want another one! And you watch, if you have a baby brother or sister, think of how much they will look up to you as the big sister. They will always want to do what you do, go with you, they will be so jealous that YOU get to go to the mall, or out to a concert or something and they can't go b/c they aren't big enough.
Also, babies are sooooo sweet. You will love having a baby around. It's true that it's hard work, but you prob won't have to worry about that since it's not your baby. You get to do all the fun stuff with the baby. Don't think so much about yourself, just focus on the good things about having a new addtion to the family. Besides, life is all about change, and the people that are successful in life are those that can handle and conquer that change.

2006-06-09 08:16:56 · answer #5 · answered by amyvnsn 5 · 0 0

*tip, it's their only child, not they're*


It totally depends on the parents, it is not a selfish thing to have only one, only children do not grow up self-centered or socially delayed or anything else so long as the parent does a good job parenting them.

I, personally, have been on both sides of the fence. I have a 16 month old son and until recently my husband and I had no plans to have more children, I did lots of reading on only children and found it to be a perfectly acceptable choice, only-child households are gaining in populatirty.

However, there are tons of positive aspects to having more than one child. When I look at my son I can't imagine not being able to snuggle in the dark when he wakes for his midnight feeding, not feeling that joy that I felt when he was placed on my chest for the first time. Parenting is a joy and I think THAT is why people have more than one child, because they enjoy being a parent.

Not to say that people who choose to have only one DON'T enjoy being a parent, I'm sure many of them do. In the end you have to do what is best for you and yours.

2006-06-09 06:26:58 · answer #6 · answered by Renae D 1 · 0 0

Because having only ONE child is THE WORST thing you could do to a child and the other children and teachers that the only child has to come in contact with. And some people love children. So get over it!

2006-06-09 05:05:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm an only child and I hate it! I'm 26 now, and I still wish I had a brother or sister. My mom was unable to have more children, so as a child I was constantly begging her to adopt me a sibling. That never happened. When my mom died I didn't have a sibling to spend time and share memories of her with some one else who knew her as "mom." I have no one else who has been raised by my dad, so I have no one to bounce the frustration and anger off of when we have huge problems, no one who has "been there."

When my dad dies I will be alone with no one who will have memories of the house where I grew up, or what it was like Christmas morning, or other holidays, or how vacations went, or playing in the yard, or anything else.

I don't want my son to be an only child, that's just how it is.

2006-06-09 07:24:58 · answer #8 · answered by joleiey 3 · 0 0

It's sort of like making pancakes. The first one never comes out very well and nobody really likes it. But after that they come out much better.

So the first child is always the test child. They usually come out messed up because the parents always try these lame parenting techniques that they saw on Dr. Phil or Oprah, but inevitably never work. After a while they realize how much they screwed up the first child and are ready to have another one that will come out much better.

2006-06-09 05:05:19 · answer #9 · answered by xyz_gd 5 · 0 0

if every 2 people only had one child in th short run it would reduce the over popluation of the earth - however eventually it would mean there was no one left on the plant if every 2 people have 1 child

1,000,000 people pair off and each have 1 kid =
500,000 each of them pair off and have 1 child each =
250,000 - 125,000 - 62,500 - 31,250 - 15.625 - 7812 - 3906 - 1953 - 976 - 488 - 244 - 122 - 61 - 30 - 15 - 7 - 3 - 1

in a country of 1 million in under 20 generations there will be no one left. these numbers are if there were an equal number of boys & girls born - and they are all physically able to have children - if there were not and even number of boys & girls etc- it could be considerably sooner.

2006-06-09 05:31:12 · answer #10 · answered by Shopaholic Chick 6 · 0 0

Because...just having one...makes a selfish and self centered child.

The best thing a parent can do for their only child...is give it a sibling.

So it learns to consider the needs of others instead of worrying only about themselves.

What's wrong...are you getting a little brother or sister...it's a good thing...it's sounds like you need it.

2006-06-09 05:22:51 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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