I hope you feel a lot less confused after all the responses you have gotten. There are a lot of us "seekers" out there that don't fit into a category because none of the existing categories work for us. You just keep learning, reading, searching and decide what it is you believe in. You don't EVER have to justify it to anyone else or even discuss it if you don't want to.
You sound like a very smart person!!!
P.S. You won't find your answers in the Bible or the Quran, but hey, why not read em anyway. I know I certainly didn't find anything in either one of them. I prefer one on one time with myself, my subconcious mind (meditation) and my creator. That's it.
2006-06-09 09:40:43
answer #1
answered by WiserAngel 6
You said you're not through college and u have time. Have u checked the cementery and looked at the ages on the tombstones latley. They are all ages - from 3 weeks to 70 years old. Right time to know what is now. Start learning and figuring it out.
Check this recorded dialogues between A Muslim and a Christain. You can download for free.
And the person below me talking about jesus. You also need to check that link. The dude wipes the christain in a dialogue. And secondly, you're not in the world to judge people like that. Leave the person alone.
They asked a question not a judgement.
2006-06-08 17:57:29
answer #2
answered by Adam Taha 4
If you areseeking where you belong,question,thnk,ask God to guide you,read about everyreligion you hear about and trust your own judgement,andif you are seeking the truth GOD WILL GUIDE you ,try hard and you will reach.you seem like awell mannered,deep human being,and if your heart isgood,dont worry.To help you,if there was no God,thenhoware we created from noting,how a cell so tiny can work so efficiently on its own,how do human beings look so smple yetbe so complicated(we are millinsof protein units andmolecules).If you are intersted in science,use it ,God created the earth andme it interestng to usto search anddiscover and be astonished.If you would like,you canread Quran,there are english versions,Godmentionshowahumanbeing is created,there isaverse locating the accurately the lowest point on earth,there you can find lots of thingsmore,it might bedifficult atfirst,but ask someone reliableabout some of the meanings.f you want more go to www.islamonline.com
2006-06-08 17:53:57
answer #3
answered by muslima 2
Please free yr Heart 2
Read this:-
I have not created the jinn and the men except for this that they should worship Me. (*53)
(Quran verse 56.Adh-dharia)
That is, “I have not created them for the service of others but for My own service.
They should serve Me, for I am their Creator. When no one else has created them, no one else has the right that they should serve him; and how can it be admissible for them that they should serve others instead of Me, their Creator?”
Here, the question arises that Allah Almighty is not the Creator only of the jinn and men but of the entire Universe and of everything in it. Then, why has it been said only about the jinn and men that He has not created them for the service of others but of Himself?
Whereas every single creature is there to serve Allah.
The answer is: On the earth only the jinn and men have been granted the freedom that they may serve Allah within their sphere of choice if they so like; otherwise they can turn away from Allah’s service as well as serve others beside Him.
The rest of the creatures in the world do not have this kind of freedom.
They do not have any choice whatever that they may not worship and serve Allah, or may serve any other.
Therefore, only about the jinn and men it has been said here that by turning away from the obedience and servitude of their Creator within the bounds of their option and choice and by serving others than the Creator. They are fighting their own nature.
They should know that they have not been created for the service of any other but the Creator, and for them the right way is that they should not abuse the freedom granted them, but within the bounds of this freedom also they should serve God voluntarily just as every particle of their body is serving Him involuntarily in the sphere whey they have not been granted any freedom.
2006-06-09 06:31:42
answer #4
answered by abjad 4
Do not confuse human error and actions with any religion. We act the way we act simply because we don't always maintain control over our feeling and all to many times we act and or react before our brain is in gear. Please Try to think things thru prior to any actions you take, and you will be surprise how well you will gain control of yourself. Their is an old saying that states subdue your anger and subdue your passions. Then have faith in God. Another good thing to always remember is never forget to ask for God's help in area's that you feel you are lacking in.
2006-06-08 17:50:53
answer #5
answered by kilroymaster 7
Your experience sounds very much like mine. I identify as "heathen" because I find God in humanity, nature and acts of kindness and integrity.
I'd say don't worry too much about labels. Worry more about the lessons you want to learn as you go through life. Sounds like you are on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Consider the possibility that you can find your own way to God and make your own path.
Have fun and godspeed!
2006-06-08 17:53:40
answer #6
answered by Green Owl 2
Labeling yourself only limits you and is unnecessary.
It really is not necessary to identify yourself with any group. "Deist" is the term used for many of the founding fathers and describes a person who believes in a Supreme Being but does not believe in Christianity, or a God that intervenes in the affairs of humans.
Be free and let your mind (spirit?) guide you.
2006-06-08 17:41:31
answer #7
answered by Left the building 7
Don"t worry about religion. Just make sure you are saved by the Grace of God. salvation gets you to Heaven, not Religion.
2006-06-08 18:33:09
answer #8
answered by concerned 5
you might want to look into Paganism or some of the religions that branch off that. like Wiccan, Norse, and Shaman. there is no problem with wanting to change your religion. i did, i was Christian intil i was 3 or 4 then i decided to practice Paganism.
2006-06-08 19:07:50
answer #9
answered by Heather Sears 2
There ia this test called the Belief O matic. You should take it. Go to beliefnet.com
2006-06-08 18:27:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous