The Toxic Shock Syndrome begins suddenly, with a high fever of 102°F (38.9°C) or above, vomiting and watery diarrhea, headache, and sunburn-like rash; together with a sore throat and body aches. Blood pressure may plummet a day or two after the first symptoms appear. When the blood pressure drops, a woman may become disoriented or go into shock and her kidneys may fail. After these developments, the skin on her hands and feet may peel. STSS. STSS can occur after a streptococcal infection in the body, usually from an infected wound or even chickenpox. Typically, within 48-96 hours, the patient’s blood pressure drops. There is also fever, dizziness, breathing problems, and a weak, rapid pulse. The area around the wound may swell, the liver and kidneys can fail, and bleeding problems may occur.Any woman who is wearing a tampon and begins to experience the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome should remove the tampon right away and seek medical care. The doctor will probably examine the vagina for signs of inflammation and rule out common sexually transmitted diseases with similar symptoms. A variety of blood tests, tests of vaginal secretions, and a physical examination are needed to identify this condition.
2006-06-11 05:58:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I tottally was going to say no, but then I looked up hias risk factor just to be sure, and I found this.
"Toxic shock syndrome is a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection that has been most often associated with the use of superabsorbent tampons and occasionally with the use of contraceptive sponges.
In 1980, an outbreak of toxic shock syndrome occurred that mostly involved young women who had been using a particular brand of superabsorbent tampons. The cause of the outbreak seemed to be toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria.
While the infection often occurs in menstruating women, it can also affect men, children and postmenopausal women. Other risk factors for toxic shock syndrome include skin wounds and surgery.
Signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome develop suddenly, and the disease can be fatal. You can reduce your chances of getting toxic shock syndrome by changing your tampon frequently".
So yeah, he is just as at risk a women is, but it sounds like you may have caught him before the tampon was inside him long enough to cause any damage.
2006-06-08 02:35:26
answer #2
answered by Afterglow 1
Males and females and children alike can get TSS however your brother cannot get toxic shock from the use of a tampon, espcially if it was up is anus. Theres several misconseptions about TSS even from those who read medical web pages and think they know what it means. I almost Died from TSS. Unless he ruptured his anus and was bleeding from it at the time the tampon was in there, and was only left in there long enough to provides a warm moist area for the particular bacteria to grow, then theres nothing to worry about
2006-06-09 23:27:49
answer #3
answered by sera 3
Toxic shock syndrome happens when you leave in your tampon for way too long! Whenever I wear one I change it every 4 hours.
2016-03-15 01:43:06
answer #4
answered by Aline 4
He should be just fine as long as he wasn't menstruating, when using your tampon...
In the future I would suggest maybe you buy him his own panties, and tampons..
2006-06-07 21:04:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think your real question should be why he was putting tampons up his a-ss, not about TSS, but in any case, I wouldn't think so.
2006-06-07 21:15:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
only if he leaves the tampon in overnight
2006-06-07 20:59:47
answer #7
answered by LINDA 3
were they used tampons
2006-06-07 21:09:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
are you serious ? where did he put the tampon? :s how old is he ? you need to talk with him
2006-06-07 21:17:51
answer #9
answered by Fatima 4
whered he put it in and how old is he and why didnt you tell him to take it ourt?!?!? And yes he can get TSS
2006-06-07 21:00:41
answer #10
answered by *Riley* 2