Politely at first and if they don't respond, check to see it there is a noise bylaw in your community that they are breaking, and contact the Authorities to see if they can help. It is too bad you have waited so long to say something but that should not limit you to your right to have peace and quiet at night. Good Luck.
2006-06-07 17:33:25
answer #1
answered by Crowfeather 7
Dealing with neighbors is a nightmare. First, try asking them nicely. Make a video tape and show them how annoying this is. Offer to split the cost of having the dogs surgically debarked. Personally, I'd move before I'd live next to a neighbor like that, but sometimes that's not an option. I have a neighbor who goes to work early and slams his car door shut outside my window every morning. I've padded the glass with those closed-cell foam mats they make for gym flooring and keep a noisy fan or wind machine on while I sleep. That helps a lot.
Sounds like you've taken the high road so far in a very frustrating situation. Some fools recommend killing the dogs, which is ridiculous. It's really not the dogs' fault and killing a pet dog is a felony in most states, especially if it's on your neighbor's property. Bad neighbors are big on retaliation. If you kill his dog, who's to say he won't burn down your house? And his next dog might be worse. If you're intent on committing a crime, kill your neighbor instead. (Just kidding!)
Most areas have noise or nuisance laws - sometimes calling the cops can help, sometimes it can make it worse. Animal control will only seize the dogs if they are abused (ie, no shelter, no water, no food, etc). If you don't mind risking a war, get witness statements from your other annoyed neighbors. If the cops won't help, I'd try calling your local TV station and see if they want to do a human interest story on lousy neighbors. Show them as much documentation as you can, pictures and a log of how many times you have called the cops and gotten no help.
Hmmm... Make an audio tape of the dog barking, call your neighbor (from a pay phone!) and play the tape really loud at three in the morning?
2006-06-07 17:57:26
answer #2
answered by Danger, Will Robinson! 7
I called once on some dogs barking and the police checked it out and said they had food and water and if they did there was absolutely nothing they could do. Who lived there first you or them? My mom has rescue dogs and has a total of 9 now and her neighbors should have asked about this when they saw the kennels and all the dogs. My mom lived there first so it is their problem if they bought a house without asking if the dogs barked much. anyway your problem. Why after all these years are you NOW wanting to do something? Politely see if the dogs have food and water and if not call someone to check. These dogs sound bored and like they have no attention. Dogs dont just bark for 15 minutes for no reason. They need attention or something. Politely tell your neighbors their dogs are keeping you awake and see what their reaction might be. The last resort is to put your house up for sale and move.
2006-06-07 17:55:20
answer #3
answered by djmerola 2
I would just calmly tell them how you feel. I don't think dogs belong in cages myself. I would also try talking to the dogs. ( no, I'm not crazy, it would help them to see that it's not you just hate dogs or something ) Maybe ask the people to move the cage, or get a long chain, or fence for them. They wouldn't bark so much if they weren't in a cage. You would be quite loud if you were in a cage for much time too, I would bet.
It is wrong to go to the police at all from my point of view. But if you do go that route you need to talk to the neibore yourself first. If you don't let someone know something is bothering you, you have no right to complain about them. People ought to beable to talk to each other in a civlized manner and work things out that way. Other means should be last resort. Violence is better to me, than going to the police.
Being annonumus is number one on my list of "sins" I hate those people. If you have a problem owning up to something, you really shouldn't be doing it.
2006-06-07 17:36:27
answer #4
answered by slee z 3
You can see any of your neighbours also having this problem as you have and altogether go to them and say about this politely, then they will have pressure to stop it some or other way. If you are only the one, then you just write a note or send a letter to their home. If it they didn't listen to that then take a step to call police on this, being anonymous. However nothing would happen if you on your own go directly and say to them that some one in your house has problem with the noise and are unable to have sleeps in nights, as long as you put that in polite manner. Don't worry even if they come down to quarrel, as it is question of your rest..Go ahead.
2006-06-08 12:47:37
answer #5
answered by satish c 1
You do need to gently speak with them and let them know the dogs do bark for extended periods and you hate to bother them with this, but it's really interfering with your sleep...etc., can they move the dog's kennel to the back end of the yard or what can they do to help with your problem. Ensure you document your conversation by e-mailing yourself a note and that way it will be time and date stamped, in the event the neighbour is not cooperative. In which case, you can either live with the problem or call the authorities.
2006-06-07 17:33:48
answer #6
answered by MillwoodsGal 6
Animals -- when kept in their right place -- can truly be a blessing. I love them! A favorite article of mine is "Animals: A Gift From God ; Keep a Balanced View; A Pleasure Forever!" http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/2004/2/22a/article_01.htm
I'll just share what I did to keep my own dogs quiet ...
I had been keeping them in the side yard (not right next to the house) at night. They felt isolated &rejected over there, & tho not normally barkers, would become so bored that they'd start barking from sheer boredom (even when no sirens or coyotes were about). I brought one of them in at night, at a time. Trained them to go to sleep when we do. An appropriate-size crate, or even a leash, works well for this -- keeps them from wandering around. I just whisper "NO!" if they start to respond to a coyote or siren, & they stop. (They sleep 8' from my bed.) I wanted to keep the dogs outside, but it just wasn't an option. Our sleep was more important than keeping the dirt down in the house. And we have bonded better, so that I find them easier to train & handle ...
Unfortunately, your problem dogs aren't your own to make decisions about! ... Were you aware of dog-collar training devices that release citronella for unwanted behaviors such as barking? The one I was reading about said : "not for stress-related barking". (Isn't ALL barking stress-related?! Which do they mean?) I wonder if your neighbors would be willing to try something like this? Plus, giving the dogs something to do, as in a toy they really enjoy playing with that's safe to leave with them unsupervised, rotating among several to keep things interesting ... But that will only help if they feel like playing.
My dogs seem to get depressed when isolated away from us, & won't play until near us again. ... Well, that's my 2cents worth.
I can't really recommend or endorse them, as I haven't used them. But, these are examples of what I might have tried next (after consulting a vet & trainer):
2006-06-08 05:12:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's best to mention it to the neighbor first. Since no one has complained, they may assume that everything is OK. Approach them in a reasoned tone; they might be amenable to change.
If not, contact the police to file a complaint. Ask them the rules; they differ by city. For example, where I live, at least one other person within 100 feet of the property has to complain.
2006-06-07 17:33:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just go to them and say.. Look Dan(insert name) your dogs are driving us crazy, we have not said anything all this time because we did not want to cause a rift between us, but we can´t take it anymore..is there anything you can do to help us out. nice and simple.. if he is a nice guy, he will try and accommodate you, if not and he gets abusive, the war is on.. and the next time it happens you call the cops.. and you keep calling them until Dan fixes the problem. Obviously you don´t want it to escalate to this, but only pursue it if he gets abusive.
2006-06-07 17:33:53
answer #9
answered by oneblondepilgrim 6
Contact the police. Each city usually has a department that deals with this issue. They will be given a warning and if nothing happens then they will be fined. This way you don't look like a complainer.
2006-06-07 17:33:31
answer #10
answered by Stacy 2
Why have you waited so long? There is no excuse for this noise. Tell them politely that their dogs are disturbing your sleep. Tell them that you have waited to say anything because you thought they would take care of the problem because surely they were aware of it.
If it continues, call animal control or report them for distubing the peace. I would have done it long ago.
2006-06-07 17:33:21
answer #11
answered by notyou311 7