5 answers
asked by
Consumer Electronics
➔ Land Phones
This is for one of my boss's stores. We are receiving two bills: verizon and mpower. Both are charging for the service. My boss said, they switched the service from Verizon to Mpower, I assume that's before I started working there. We tried the dial zero and machine answers that the dial cannot be completed. We checked the bill and no details on either bill shows about calls made - the people from Verizon said, it's because the number is being used solely for fax machine, so dialed numbers do not show up in the bill. I already ran out of ways to determine because my last resort of calling both companies to run diagnostics on the number failed - both of them said that the service is with them and the number is working fine. So to all of you who think this question is stupid and gives me "duh" answers, think again.
19:15:11 ·
update #1