This guy seems like someone that cares for you no matter what and wants to care for you. I'd say take advantage of that because really to guy its an obligation to care for the lady's. So like I said take advantage of it are else you might see him taking care of someone else.
2006-06-07 06:31:34
answer #1
answered by alphamale 2
He would stick around be cause your a vibrant and wonderful Woman with her own riches to accumulate. Just because he's made his, doesn't mean he is better than you. You both enrich each other every day your together and show the world that things like that don't matter.
About the pressure of perfection, My guy used to do that, but in the end not only him needs to be happy. Think about that. Don't make it a choice between you or him, because if it is, their really shouldn't be one.
Good Luck!
2006-06-21 10:40:21
answer #2
answered by Bianca 3
Lack of confidence in oneself, low self-esteem and you worrying so much about something that may not be going through his mind will eventually end the relationship for you. Tear down those walls, enjoy the times you spend with each other. No one can guarantee that you will not get hurt, but don't create it. This may sound a little harsh, but I can tell you one thing for sure, he is sticking around because you are sleeping with him, that much I can guarantee. How far does he want to take this relationship? I couldn't tell you, but if he feels like drama is about to brew, he'll be gone quicker than you can say I'm sorry. Enjoy life and stop worrying about things you cannot control.
2006-06-18 03:37:48
answer #3
answered by jimmyweda 2
Honey, you deserve to be loved and happy. Why are you trying to sabotage something before it even gets started. You say you and him have been having sex over the past 6 months, don't you feel that you deserve more than to just be his bed partner? However, on the other hand, if the fact that he may be better off financially than you are is a bother--sit down and be honest with him as you have with us. Give him the benefit of the doubt before you rule a serious relationship with him out. Give him a chance to hear your feelings, doubts, and insecurities. I don't car how much money "Richy Rich" may have the one thing that the two of you definitely have in common is being human. He has feelings, doubts, and insecurities just like you. He may not show them to you, but if he's human he has them. Give yourself a break, be honest with him. He's probably even had a few birdbrained females after him for what he has and not for who he is; you're probably a breath of fresh air to him.....Hang in there, why give up someone who may be your husband one day out of fear???....Best wishes, and let us know how you two are doing....
2006-06-21 10:49:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Stop sleeping with him if you are not ready for the commitment. Even with condoms and BC they don't work for everything. Being a single mother is harder then working on a good solid relationship. Getting a divorce is easier today but not something that should be thought about when you aren't that serious.
If you play it cool then he could "step out" on you easily then you chance getting diseases that you don't want and CANNOT LIVE WITH. Life is too short to tempt the fates. Remember some diseases aren't just sexual in nature and can be transmitted even casually.
2006-06-21 11:36:46
answer #5
answered by Shannon S 1
Money isn't everything, maybe something about your honesty and lack of financial savvy is a turn on to him. You show character by not taking advantage of his money. Pygmalian was a foolish man who thought he could change people, if your guy's perfectionism becomes too much just let him know that you are the same woman that attracted him - do not become who he wants you to be, you have character, integrity and honesty, if he's wanting for more he should seek it somehwere else.
2006-06-21 13:27:52
answer #6
answered by gravelgertiesgems 3
You seem to be so defensive If he is really into you then your little problems are irrelevent just relax sit back and enjoy the ride. Hey not all guys are like your last. I just have a question are you trying to convince us or your self that this could be a bad thing? Sure does sound like a good thing just take it one day at a time. Keep your chin up not all guys are bad filthy dogs!!
2006-06-20 23:40:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Take it from a me, he loves the fact that you aren't "up to his level financially". Men have an inherit need to provide for their girl, it makes us feel needed. Now here's where the problem has come into play (at least for me) in this situation. You get comfortable to the point where you feel he is obligated to provide for you and the overall role is slighted. Rather, you forget your place in the relationship. In no way does him having money and being the provider put him above you in any manner but what you have to remember is that as long as you're with him, he will never be OBLIGATED to provide for you. For some reason, women (at least the one's i've dated including my ex-wife) get uncomfortable with being provided for and start to resent the situation. At about this point, you start wondering if you should be with somene "more on your level". This is crap! you have to realize that you are on his level and what you bring to the relationship is just as important as what he is bringing to the relationship. You said you are struggling right now, if this guy loves you, he has probobly already offered to help. You have declined becuase you didn't want to feel indebted to him. I'm telling you right now, if he is willing to give it and you aren't willing to take it, it is a personal insult to him and he doesn't feel 100% comfortable with you for doing so.
sidenote: I personally feel this is the major reason for the increasing divorce rate in America. People forget thier role in the relationship. The equal rights movement did a ton of good for women in America, but it also contorted the view of a conventional relationship. Every relationship needs a leader, a decision maker, and with todays standards it is hard to decide who that is in the relationship. There is no dollar amount you can put on coming home to a comfortable, clean, love-filled house and having your dinner ready and for some reason, America has forgotten this. Too bad if you ask me...
2006-06-21 12:19:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Being his successful / rich / high standard don't get confused. This much I assure you he likes u a lot and you will be the right girl for him. The reason behind for thinking about him coz he is never committed to you and you are always confused for his attitude and behaviour for U. But trust me if you will plan to leave him someday, he will the first one to cry for you. Just keep loving him and give attention to him. he will always be yours. Frankly speaking forget all this thing and try to find how much faithful and trustworthy he is for you and always ask him to commit until you try to find what's hidden inside his heart. For you I think commitment and trust is required from his end so go on dear find out and let me know for further updates.
2006-06-07 13:41:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Before he looks for perfection in a woman he should look at him self. Everytime i have gone out with a girl
2006-06-20 05:06:35
answer #10
answered by scarlet pimpernell 4