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2006-06-06 23:37:52 · 4 answers · asked by gautam b 1 in Health Other - Health

4 answers

Sneezing can occur from a number of causes, or may itself be a symptom of an underlying condition, most likely an allergy or common cold. Sneezing may simply be triggered by a small foreign object or substance in the nose, including particles of pepper, smoke, irritating chemical fumes, or gases. It may also be a symptom of a common cold, upper respiratory tract infection, hay fever, or other allergies to pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, dander, grass, or other substances. Additional potential causes of sneezing include withdrawal from opiate drugs, inhaling corticosteroids, whooping cough, or anaphylaxis. Many people sneeze when they step outdoors into bright sunlight. Others report sneezing whenever they tweeze their eyebrows.

2006-06-11 00:08:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sneezing expells irritants like dust, etc from your system. It can also be a reaction to certain smells, but if you think about, we smell things because the air is actually carrying molecules of that substance (makes you think twice about road kill and farms, huh), so it would still be the body's way of expelling those things.

2006-06-06 23:44:02 · answer #2 · answered by desiderio 5 · 0 0

It is one of the ways in which the body expells irritants

2006-06-06 23:39:10 · answer #3 · answered by bambi 5 · 0 0

i think that it would be due to some disturbances in the nose and eyes

im not sure......

2006-06-06 23:41:37 · answer #4 · answered by karthi 2 · 0 0