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Do great men have sex with 9 year old girls?
Do great men have harems filled with desperate innocent women?
Do great men murder captive men and rape the women?
Do great men send hired assasins to murder those who criticize them?

This is exactly how the prophet of islam behaved, and how can muslims call him a great man?

2006-06-06 22:24:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

As usual i see how muslims deny the truth

2006-06-06 22:34:49 · update #1

islam is the only religion on earth thats led by a man who had sex with a 9 year old girl

2006-06-07 01:12:01 · update #2

22 answers

Yes he was a great man, he could commit so much evil things and yet he is revered till this very day!He is an inspiration to all pedos, killers,sex maniacs, terrorists and perverts because Mohammed was a pedophile, he killed his enemies, he had harems of many innocent women, he murdered then raped and plundered.
Too bad he didn't have bombs to strap on himself.

2006-06-06 22:38:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Talk has no basis in truth ... Mohammad is one of the greatest men in the world and could not do anything wrong, also has called on people to Islam and the existence of proof of scientific and also did not hated one in Islam Conversely have loved much, if you do not want entering Islam does not say talk about man wonderful Muhammad,in your knowledge found many of the scientists proof scientific exist in the Holy Quraan and are valid

2006-06-07 06:14:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1- In that time , that place that was very normal , first at 9 she became physically a woman ( in warm countries that happened earlier) second she never complied in his life or after he was dead third her father was his right arm man the 2nd next to him , and if that is bad it would have known , i mean many girls out there , why raping the daughter of his 1st supporter and the one next to him? and the father of her is happy and nobody complain , and she specially was the most loving wife to him fourth and finally to know that was normal , she was engaged before him to another man who left her because her father become Muslim , is that enough for you ???

2- if you are Christian ; prophet king soliman for example had 100 woman , 100 wife ...Ok? That was another era, almost every man then had slave women and slave men, and the very happy slaves are those to find themselves slaves of the prophet ... and by the way it was never reported that any of them was desperate, they were ok and never complain

3- murder captive men ? I never heared about that ... rape who? Who? Maybe marry, but never rape .. e.g. : once he married a woman very beautiful , the 9 old wife you mentioned ( name Aisha and she was older at that time) and another wife of him got geleus from her , so they went to her before he go to her , and pretend they are happy with her and advice her that if he entered the door she say "I seek refuge with Allah from you." she was HAPPY to marry the prophet so when he entered at her she said "I seek refuge with Allah from you." He said, "You have sought refuge with One Who gives refuge. Then the Prophet came out , and he said give her a gift and take her back to her family , is that a rapist , even after he knew the truth, he laughed at how clever his wives are , but after that shock he refused to take the girl again , is that a rapist

4- didn't America assasined el zarkawi today , when there was no war that was ok , but it was at the time of war , and that criticizing man was collecting men and tribes to fight him , if you were in his place and it's a matter of war and politics , would you live him to collect men with swards to come and fight you and kill you and your people ??? Muhammad wasn't just a religious man , he was a leader , so he took his responsibilities

5- we call him a great man because .... you have an answer with a biography about him , read it and you will know

2006-06-08 19:03:34 · answer #3 · answered by amgo 3 · 0 0

he must have been a great man .he has 1000.000,000 followers after 1400 years.or do you think 1/6 of the world population are all daft? and on this yahoo answers i have never seen a Muslim go on about Christ the way you do with their prophet in fact in some Islamic countries you could get executed for saying the same things about Christ.

2006-06-07 05:30:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

-he never had sex with a 9 years old, they got married when she reached the age of puberty,and that was a commen thing 1400 years ago.
-he never had harems ,they were his wifes ,and they were so happly married .
-he never murder captive men, nor raped any women,on the contrary ,in Islam ,captive men should be treated with mercy and respect .
he never sent assassins to kill any one, on the contrary, this enemies were the ones who had sent assassins to kill him.

go read some books about this great man,instead of listening to this false propaganda about him.

2006-06-07 05:39:32 · answer #5 · answered by lily 5 · 0 0

You are exactly mentally retarded! How many times you posted this same question and you got full answers, but it seems your IQ is below average. Yes Mohammad PBUH is the greatest man ever lived in this earth and you may keep your ignorant opinion to your self because this is to affect neither him nor us. Try to understand this time.

2006-06-07 05:37:18 · answer #6 · answered by lukman 4 · 0 0

I reject Islam because of Muhammad’s lack of moral and ethical fortitude. Muhammad lived a less than holy life. His lust for sex, his affairs with his maids and slave girls, his pedophilic relationship at age 54 with Aisha, a 9-year-old child, his killing sprees, his massacre and the genocide of the Jews, his slave making and trading, his assassination of his opponents, his raids and lootings of the merchant caravans and unarmed villagers, his burning of trees, his destroying the water wells, his cursing and invoking evil on his enemies, his revenge on his captured prisoners of war, his torturing of his captives to for greed and his hallucinations such as believing of having sex with his wives when he actually did not, disqualify him as a sane person let alone a messenger of God.

2006-06-08 16:37:53 · answer #7 · answered by Peace of Mind 2 · 0 0

You've gotta be careful when you make such claims. If you have any evidence show it to the world and make those allegations otherwise you are hurting the sentiments of the Islam and its followers. I am not Islam but I was not supportive of your unevidenced claims.

2006-06-07 05:54:30 · answer #8 · answered by nimesh 4 · 0 0

baby i believe u have gathered data don't know from where. pls check the proper book written by non Muslim even in that u will find exactly the opposite what u have written. no prophet in any religion preach such thing. frankly do u thing Muslim r so stupid that their prophet had such bad history n they will follow him.

2006-06-07 05:33:09 · answer #9 · answered by torraks 3 · 0 0

Aussie girl/I love birds, I really wants to know your background. You must be from very poor family. Are your real profession is prostitution? You always talk like them! Real Christian people who are educated never talk like you! I feel so sorry for you!

2006-06-07 07:00:11 · answer #10 · answered by talkbox 4 · 0 0