read 'autobiography of a yogi' and be at peace. there is no such thing as sin. there is total freedom to do everything you can imagine, and experience the out come of that!. the only ones who judge with out thought of it, are people in the dark. heaven will never judge you let alone God. when you truly understand this truth and live it, you will find REAL peace. the person that is in any kind of conflict, be that internal or external is lost. and a blind led by the blind. love has no conflict, true love has no conflict. Observe lovers who truly love each other and you will see that what ever they do is OK, fixable, tender, caring, patient. this is human love! how much more than that would be the love of GOD to humanity as a whole? Do let your education over power your intelligence. the truth is ever present and persistent. IT has and will always break the illusion of ignorance. the bible is a great book, but it is not the only book that speaks about God. the bible has and gives "A" view of GOD not the only. God is to great to be contained in such small piece of writing. Buddha said " where you attention goes, your energy flows". that means if you put so much attention on sin and fear that's exactly what you are going to live. the sin and the fear. don't waste your energy on things you do not wish. put your attention on love and how to love more, on peace and how to live it more. on joy and how be thankfull for everything God has given you. Jesus saids "be joyfull". In the deepest part of your heart, you wish to love with out boders. laugh without regrett. be in total peace. this is because the true you wants to live this not just think about it. the true you is peace, true love, the deepest bliss. think of this.... blessings dear soul on your jorney to true love.
2006-06-07 04:53:46
answer #5
answered by connect2blas 2
Unforgiveness is a dimension. If you sin against the Holy Spirit, God will bring you into that dimension of understanding in order to teach you not to blaspheme again. Because God is love, he will take you out of that restless and endless dimension of eternal self-condemnation, and then take you into another realm, -the realm of truth, and when you have reached there, you will ever learn and hear the truth, and you will find out that sinning is a lie. God designed sin in order for him to bring back creation dramatically to himself. Sin is just a cloud of creativity in the supreme imagination of God, and that is why only he can take it off from you. These are one of the mysteries of God in his word.
When you know the truth, the truth will set you free. If there be no God ever, there would be no life, no good, no evil, and no existence and no matter, no gravity and no nothing. So God is the author of everything, but each creation he individually creates, has the capacity to reproduce a characteristic or a trait or an identity, so that it doesnt necessarily appear that it is God who made man to err. In the first place God planted the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God made the snake in each man's mind, and God made Eve to tempt Adam when he was deeply asleep in the wine of Physical appreciation -or the wine of the flesh. Havent you learned that the true helper and helpmate of Adam was the Holy Spirit, Adam failed to see it and so believing that it is the woman, she married her in his thoughts and they become one flesh. Then from their children, God had to ordain for each man to leave the mother and the father of the flesh and be united to the true Spirit mate of Man, and they shall become one Flesh. For even as Mary, the Mother of Jesus was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, and then recieve the Word from an Angel so God could impregnate the incurruptible Word, and seed of the divine, and so she could bear a Son from the Lord, also each man has to be baptized in the Holy Spirit in order to receive the things that be of God and in order to be born from above and to receive another baptism which is to become united, one and identical with the perfect Son of God which is the Christ. And when you have become the Christ, then it is appropriate for you to rest from your labor by entering your glory, for as many as are taught by the Spirit knows, that Christ is the hope of glory, and entering, the Christ will become who the Father is, and the Father will recreate, redesign, and make all things new by every Son of God who takes the consciousness of the Christ and bring it to a new level, - to Fatherhood, and then that is the time that you will be baptized in the name of the Father. What the water baptism has to offer is so less than the true essence of living baptisms reveal. And there is a time where in all experiences are like a fire that baptizes you. Perhaps that is the time you have a lot of self-condemnation, thinking that you have an unpardonable sin. Indeed the Father will make you appear so, and then save you from the harsh character of your own comndemning attitude towards yourself, and he will dilever you, for such is the baptism of fire, and is similar to the baptism of sufferings. There is a time when youd dont do evil but you seem to experience the harsh and thorns of life, as if you are dying on a cross, and you carry the whole world on your shoulders. Other do mock you, others hate you and other trouble you and spit at you. Rejoice and be glad very exceedingly for great is your reward thereafter. You have just received that fullness of experieces in order to find if there be able to compare to the beauty that awaits you. And that is why God keeps the mockers mock him for they cant diminish the glory of God, but in every word they mock him, he is glorified.
Now about the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, it was a new revelation God gave Jesus when he was speaking afresh from the Holy Spirit. For every man is a blashphemer of God, and their own minds has blinded themselves from the mysteries of the truth. They cursed God in their hearts and grieve the Spirit often, -and as much as they crusified the Christ who is the manifistation of the one they blasphemed, the Father had to receive the Spirit's Invitation by the mouth of the Christ that says, Father, Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. And the Father had to forgive them.
Jesus knew everyone blasphemed God, and if everyone blasphemed God, they must have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. And it did not say that, "He who sins against the Holy Spirit, I will not forgive", no! He left it open ended who will not forgive their sin, because that person's miss and that person's reactions against truth will prove him wrong and will become the basis for the evil conscience to enter in his thoughts and in his heart, and he will remain on that state until the Father reveals to him the first words of the gospel saying: "Let there be light". And that is where Jesus before had to appear to forgive men their sins.
Perhaps, this is the first among the lights you must see, in order that it can leave you a trail to see the truth, to touch the truth, and to sup with the Living word. It is one thing to read the word, it is another to be with him, and it is another to be him. If it is right to tell a mystery, let me. Hell is this: Not knowing the truth and being held in ignorance through sin. Heaven is this: To be free from sin, and to be freed by the truth and to understand all the mysteries of God. All the mysteries of God are truth. And when you know the truth and speak it, or manifest it, you become the truth. Christ the Son of God is the Truth. And the Truth that is alive in your being is the way and the trail towards the Father. Until the truth will not become a person in your being, you will not come and ascend unto the Father, of whom you and the others were and of whom you are.
For more invaluable mysteries contact me at +639263726166
I do not sell my knowledge. I live in the Philippines. Here God showed himself to me, in my person, and I became whom he showed me in all that he is. And then asking for him to bring me back to veil towards the earth, here I am again so I must tell the really good news of the gospel and of the kingdom, where others have failed to tell but only the bad news whom the Father did not send and whom the Father did not know, and who also did not initiate such a gospel. Any man preaching in ignorance has himself already bound in hell, burning as he preaches. But those who know the truth, there is nothing to get consumed with by the second death or the mysterious hell which only means evidencial circustance and consequences based on the error of man's ways. The greek word for sin is "missing the mark". The penalty is hell, and eventually death. So I must tell you, he who believes in me, and lets the truth guide him, will not taste death, for My Father shall reveal in him, and he shall not experiece the corruption of mortal beings. For the life of the Father will be his life, and the consciousness of God shall be his light. And the wisdom and power of my Lord and God shall be his garment and glory, for God my Father has so said in the Scriptures: "I AM thy exeedingly great reward". Be united! Be individuated! Receive the One Spirit, the One mind, the One consciousness, the One identity and name of God. Be it on your Spirit, your soul, your consciousness, your life, your mind, your stregth, your might, your presence, your body, your whole person.
God bless you. Where I am, you shall be there (here) also.
2006-06-07 04:18:58
answer #10
answered by Abraham's Bossom 2