most parents know their kids gay or assume that so you should ask them to sit down and tell it. they may or may not be surprised tho if you looking for that.
2006-06-06 20:06:02
answer #1
answered by INOTFRIEND 4
I have the impression that the majority if people answering your question totally underestimate the impact it will have on your life. The given advice for the moment is in a joke fashion, but coming out to parents is a serious issue and needs a lot of time and reflection to ensure that it is the best thing for you at this moment of your life or not. So, it is a pity that you didn't give details of your age, etc... difficult to get a clear picture and give precise constructive advice, in any case each family and each situation is different. Make sure that you are sure that you are gay, are you comfortable with your own sexuality before sharing it with others. Are you financially independant or not, obviously an advantage if you have your own stable income. Do you live at home, can your parents kick you out, if so where would you envisage going. Are your parents open minded or homophobic, perhaps be subtle and introduce gay things to get an idea of their reaction, say for example you saw something gay on TV. Have you already spoken to friends, how did they react, are they reliable to support you just in case your parents reject you. You could also test your parents, tell them you're gay, if they freak out, just laugh and say it was a joke. I'm not trying to scare you, but trying to prepare you for the worst possibility. In any case, what does it matter, you're gay, it makes no difference, just be happy. Your parents don't discuss their sexual activity with you, so you're not obliged to do so with them. Parents should have unconditional love for their children, but in reality it isn't alway the case. Good luck and take your time before deciding anything.
2006-06-07 07:25:12
answer #2
answered by Invisible 4
just be honest hun.Many people have a varied response to coming out, some people take it well, some people get the 'we already knew' response, and others have friends who have walked away into the sunset and were never heard of again. But then, who wants friends like that anyway?
Make sure you are comfortable with your homosexuality first. You can't expect people to understand and accept you for who you are, if you don't accept it yourself.
'Test the water'. Sometimes, just dropping hints to a friend/relative is enough to start the ball rolling.
Be ready for questions. Your friends/relatives are likely to be curious and may need more information to help them understand.
Be prepared for a bad reaction. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the news well. Make sure you are emotionally prepared for that. It probably will not come to that, but it's best to consider a 'worse case scenario' and work out how to deal with the emotions involved with that before the event.
You may lose a friend. Some people's views on homosexuality are so deep-rooted that nothing you say or do will reassure them. However, you must remember that it's their problem, not yours! If you do lose friends, it hurts like hell at the time but, in the end, the pain of staying closeted is deeper, lasts for longer, and damages you more. Being able to live openly as a lesbian or a gay man is worth it for the peace of mind alone.
Your friends/relatives may suspect already. It's possible that they have wanted to raise the subject but have been unsure of how to approach it. By 'coming out' it gives an opportunity to discuss the matter openly.
Most large cities will have coming out support groups, which can be a real help too - hearing others' stories and seeing other people who've gone through it can be a real morale booster.
2006-06-07 04:45:54
answer #3
answered by foxyasfcuk 3
There is no right or wrong way to go about it... you just have too come out wit it and get it over wit in order to give your self a sigh of relief from hiding all this time. which would you rather live with the truth of them knowing and one day excepting it and moving forward or continue the lie and never let them get to know and see the real you let alone your partner? and sometimes the parents actually know already but are afraid to ask but the signs are always there from early on... they just hope you grow out of it and in the mean time they keep that subject under the table so to speak.
Start out at the dinner table just as every one is about to finish and let it be known! the worst possible scenario is that everyones leaves the table abruptly on a full stomach to retire and think about it by the next day they get a chance to stew over it, marinate and except it because they love you, which is the bottom line, unconditionally.
2006-06-07 03:21:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tell the most easygoing parent first. They will know how the other parent will take it and how you should approach them. But really the best way is to just get it out there and blurt it out and get it over and done with. Make sure you have plans to go out just in case you need to escape any arguments with a less then receptive parent.
2006-06-07 03:16:08
answer #5
answered by having_a_blonde_day_lol 4
Just because you are ready to say it, it doesn't mean others are ready to hear it. Respect that, and they will respect your timing on anything you have to say. You will know when that time is. Letting your parents know about you shouldn't be painful, and assuming their reaction, whether good or bad, isn't fair. Let them react. It's how you react to that that counts most. Good luck.
I hope this answer just changed a life. Peace.
2006-06-07 03:37:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You say "I'm Gay" No matter how you tell them, they will either except it or they won't. They may already suspect it. Give them time to accept it and get over the initial shock
2006-06-07 03:06:49
answer #7
answered by sharkgirl 7
tell them until u find a gay partner and they will not think its a phase lol, I am gay but told them before finding a gf, they thought it was a phase lol, but i know for sure its not. Susie
2006-06-07 03:07:33
answer #8
answered by Forever Friends 3
How old are you?
I don t know how my parents react if I am gay (and I am not,but if....) and I have 32....But one thing I must tell you....Soon you tell them ,sooner they will understand you......Maybe they don't react in first minute like you wish,but you are their kid and their love you,no matter what you do and who you are.......That is truth
2006-06-07 03:09:26
answer #9
answered by Danica O 4
firstly do all the work at home..and do the stuff ur parents will be suprised of .then u start by telling them u really love them and u hope they know that.that some things happen in life not because u want them to.tell them u have been trying to tell them but just because of their faith and love in u u where scared of hurting them.then u say..mum,dad i am sorry but thatz what it is.
2006-06-07 03:08:36
answer #10
answered by lady c 2