I came to China to meet the people.
The great wall is fine, but the people are really great.
2006-06-09 06:40:22
answer #1
answered by Physicist 3
Well, I think if I went to China I would be interested in the culture. I would want to learn all about the history of the country. I would want to visit the capital city. I would love to visit museums and any learning centers. I would love to see the architecture. Of course I would want to visit The Great Wall of China and also that burial ground the excavated where they found all those statues of the warriors. I can't remember the name of it.
I would love to take a road trip and see how all the locals live and and farm. I am very interested in the Art and History and the People. I would love to see all the little villages and partake in the countries traditions such as Holidays, religious festivals, marraiges...ect.
That's is why I would visit China.
2006-06-07 01:37:18
answer #2
answered by yellow 3
Well, my ama and angkong were from China, and if I were to go to China (by the way, my mother is there now, visiting relatives she's meeting for the first time) I would go to 1.) meet relatives 2.) learn more of the language (I'm very rusty speaking fukien, and I'd like to learn Mandarin) 3.) I'd like to be a witness of the fastest growing economy in the history of the world 4.) I'd like to experience Shanghai and go shopping there.
2006-06-07 01:35:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
So many picturesque spots everywhere, but I agree with Physicist: the people are charming, polite, respectful, and (not meaning to sound patronising) - to us, rather childlike in their curiosity. Oh yes, as well as being so beautiful!
Exceptions: 1) When the women dye their black lustrous hair a nasty straw, cut and curl it, pluck out all their eyebrows and paint on fierce artificial ones, and cover the rest of their faces in war paint. 2) In Beijing you get ripped off something terrible: I was there today and someone shows you the way for half a minute and the hand comes out for 'One hundred' (kwai, yuan, or RMB) - rather more than $US10. 3) So many people spit.
2006-06-10 12:39:27
answer #4
answered by ivallrod 4
i like nanning, china (green city) it`s life style is like the turn of the century in america. Nanning is an agricultural area in southern china. I have only met one american there. living is inexpensive. the people are friendly. I have no fear of walking at any time of the day or night. i plan on moving there as soon as the visas are approved.
2006-06-13 23:09:14
answer #5
answered by mrdan_perkins 2
the culture, the attitude of the people, the work ethic. china is exotic, china is ancient. familes are very important, and i found the love of my life in china..........do i need to say more?
2006-06-07 20:33:21
answer #6
answered by agulara2000 2
great wall of china
2006-06-08 04:38:40
answer #7
answered by hai 2
l like YELLOW's answer. if u come to china, i like to be ur guide. i have the same interests with u!
2006-06-08 07:38:20
answer #8
answered by antty m 2
I am interested in the Chinese culture and architecture.
2006-06-07 01:32:53
answer #9
answered by deathdealer 5
great wall of China, chinese culure, yea
2006-06-07 01:35:45
answer #10
answered by future actress 2