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i have a sony camcorder and i dont know how to download it onto my computer ne 1 who has 1 please help and does ne 1 no how to deleete unesscary things off a tape please help rremember 10 pnts for best anwser no false info
thank you

2006-06-06 13:50:40 · 1 answers · asked by *~AshleyMarie~* 2 in Consumer Electronics Camcorders

1 answers

if you have windows movie maker, or any video editing program like that, open it up and import the video (should find that option under "file" usually). just remember the camera has to be plugged in obviously through usb or firewire, either one should work. after getting it onto your computer, you can edit to remove the unnecessary things etc. and then you can export as a video file to watch, OR export a video file, and put it into a dvd authoring program and burn to dvd. hope this helps!

2006-06-07 03:01:01 · answer #1 · answered by evilgenius4930 5 · 0 0