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5 answers

Mardi Gras has bases in religion. (It comes right before lent--- Fat Tuesday) so I guess we are going to outlaw Rock n' Roll

2006-06-06 06:24:07 · answer #1 · answered by Do_what_thou_wilt 2 · 1 2

Why should any be banned? This is a country of tollerence (or at least it is supposed to be.)

Why would you ban someone because of thier sexual preference?

this country was founded by people who were fleeing persecution due to thier religious veiws yet it seems that the American people can not agree to disagree. Everyone wants it thier way and wants to get rid of anyone or anything that does not meet their beliefs.

Each individual is responsible for thier own choices and actions. outside influences are going to be thier no matter what is banned or looked down upon.

If you feel Rock and Roll is effecting you or your family, then don't listen to it.

If you feel that Mardi Gras is not appropriate, don't go or celebrate.

But if you feel that a persons sexual orientation has ANYTHNG to do with you, then you are just WAY to vain!

Freedom. Justice. Equallity. Do these things really have to have limits? This country is a melting pot, love it or don't that's the way it is and that's the one thing that makes this country great.

There are so many more things in this world that need to be "fixed" without people adding more tension by focusing on things that are trivial and infact not a problem.

Our law makers, the amount of voters, the War in Iraq, Global warming, Starving Children, Huricane Katrina Victims.....

So many things you could focus your attention on that NEED to be fixed,

yet people focus on things such as who's sleeping with who, what kind of music they are listening to, or a few college girls gone wild...

Really, would banning any of these things fix the real problems in the world? NOPE!

2006-06-07 09:37:13 · answer #2 · answered by playfulduo69 4 · 0 0

First of all, sir, all that is being thought of being banned is gay marriage, not "gays", please make sure to get your facts right in the future. Second, Mardi Gras... how could anyone get rid of rock music? Are you against rock and roll or something? That's evil. That's bigotry. It offends me more than your "gays" comment.

2006-06-06 06:25:20 · answer #3 · answered by acelessthan3 3 · 0 0

you're the kinda guy that hates everyone the same , aren't you?
are you really serious?
i think you should be drafted.
have you been in the military, because if you haven't, i don't even think you should have the right to vote.

2006-06-06 08:54:18 · answer #4 · answered by Stuie 6 · 0 0

Well I happen to think the question is hilarious and I am highly amused!

2006-06-06 08:40:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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