They have the truth and teach from the bible. Ask them anything and you will be pleasantly surprised to see that they ALWAYS answer from the bible, rather than from philosophy or tradition.
2006-06-07 17:10:28
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
They take the bible very literally, they know it by heart, they don't smoke or drink or curse, they do ban members who are caught doing that, they have bi-weekly meetings, there are no images of Christ or saints on the walls of wherever they meet, or at home, they appreciate science and know a lot of scientific facts, they don't believe in an immediate afterlife, i.e. they say when we die we are like asleep until the day of the great tribulation comes, when we will be judged and then yes we go to heaven or hell, they don't eat meat that hasn't been drained of blood, nor chorizo type foods, they say aids was caused by us not caring about the commandment not to tamper with blood, mmmm I can't remember anything else right now.
EDIT: I just read the answers above, which weren't there when I started typing my answer, and realized I made a mistake. They say when we die we are like asleep until the day of the great tribulation and then those of us who are found "good" will actually live again and forever. The others die. No heaven or hell like the rest of the Xians.
And yes they say it's coming closer because they recognize the "signs" of the end of the world (war, crime, disasters, etc.)
I must also add, I did like my ex mother-in-law. We could talk for hours about religion. She always had a logic explanation for anything I'd ask. In a way, I think they are more honest than the rest of the Xians.
Ha! another thing Ijust remember - they don't worship or even revere Mary, or saints. They say those were normal people.
2006-06-06 12:10:35
answer #2
answered by Atomin 5
Jehovah's witnesses are generally nice people. They often try to talk about god and what not, but you can beat them there by changing the subject.
Every Jehovah's witness I have worked with has been a hard worker and very nice.
They don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas but some do give presents on Easter.
They used to not believe in organ transplants, but I believe its not a sin anymore.
They believe that humans are living souls, that the flesh and soul are one (I think this is where the no blood idea comes from). They also believe that everyone will be resurrected physically
Families can be torn apart when one member leaves the church. The leaders of the church will tell the family to "shun" that person.
Jehovah's witnesses have had several major court decisions in their favor about their witnessing (going door to door) and some of their other practices. They are very adamant about their beliefs and are confident that everyone can be converted. They have workshops where they practice scenarios of what happens when they knock on doors.
Jehovah's witnesses are contientious objectors, meaning they are morally opposed to war and violence. They have a history of persecution that is very important to them.
Most of their interpretation and teaching comes from some senior members in the church who publish the magazines Awake and The Watchtower. They believe that simple language should be used when speaking about the Bible. As far as I know, none of the lay-members study Ancient Greek, Aramaic, or Latin. Quoting Bible passages in Greek throws them off guard and weakens their converting furvor
They are stongly opposed to Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings despite the Christian connotations (possibly Narnia as well). I haven't met any who saw The Passion, most likely because of the Catholic perspective.
They are strongly opposed to inter-faith marriage (with them).
Bible study and witnessing takes up a considerable amount of free time for them.
The most tension I have seen is between Catholics or muslims versus Witnesses.
It was a Catholic at work who went ballistic when a Witness didn't come for a birthday cake celebration for someone in the office. Religion is a hot button topic along with politics and the correct way to raise a child. It is best not to speak of them in polite company.
2006-06-06 12:42:30
answer #3
answered by Discipulo legis, quis cogitat? 6
We just strive to maintain a spiritual life that closely follows Jesus' pattern and the bible. I know some don't believe what we believe and even think that we are occult. But all we try to do is promote united peace in all nationalities, through love and we feel that we have the "truth" about what the bible teaches. Through study, prayer and careful consideration of the bible, we aren't swayed by mans traditions or political advantages that they get for being a religion.
If you want to know about us, then review what they say and compare what you are taught from your religion. We don't try to force you to become a witness, we show you from the bible and have you form your own opinion on what we showed you. Then no one can say that they were brainwashed. If you agree that what we showed you is the truth, then most likely you will begin to study with us, if not, then we will move on.
We aren't money pushers or try to get more people to support someones salary, are monies are put towards the preaching work (Matt 24:14, Matt 28:19,20)
So in conclusion, test all things what which we are saying. Ask about the book "What does the bible really teach".
2006-06-06 12:19:39
answer #4
answered by osubuckeye 3
As a Jehovah's Witness, the best person to ask about them are Jehovah's Witnesses. All the Jehovah's Witnesses who answered your question are correct. Those who aren't have some correct answers also and also incorrect ones. We are one of the most misunderstood religions so it's good to ask ALOT of questions. We always back up what we teach with the bible unlike other religions. There's nothing much I can say since the other JW's said almost all the main things, so just speak to the ones coming to your house and visit the OFFICIAL website as previously stated. Any other sites are false. And hey, write down all your questions if you want. You and your mom can ask for a FREE home bible study from the book: "What does the Bible REALLY teach." (as someone said earlier) This book answers ALL your questions. Take care!!
2006-06-07 23:24:01
answer #5
answered by xxxxxkikixxxxxxxxxxx 2
Jehovah's Witnesses are unduly criticized by people who have not LISTENED to what they really believe.
Yes...It is a strange belief system, to say the least. However, their entire religion is based on ' unusual' interpretations of scripture. Here are some highlights:
1.) Blood is HOLY to God. Thereby it shouldn't be passed from one human to another. The strange thing indeed is that they have no problem at all with organ transplants.
2.) Only 144,000 people will go to heaven and reside with God.
Other 'faithful servants' will inherit eternal life HERE ON EARTH!
A majestic and beautiful kingdom set up by Jesus Christ!
3.) Belief in the concept of ' TRINITY' is a LIE, invented by the early Roman Catholic Church to increase their political control. Thereby that belief is sinful and wrong.
I suggest just listening politely when the Witnesses visit. Ask pertinent questions, then make up your own mind. They really have some good points. I am agnostic myself, and do not subscribe to their belief, but I admire them for searching for truth.
2006-06-06 12:15:34
answer #6
answered by nihilistic_boomer_scum62 3
Most of us are really cool people if you just give us a chance and spend some time talking with us! Thank you on behalf of all the brothers and sisters who are out here for asking in such a polite and inquisitive way with no bashing! We certainly do not expect that everyone we run across will come to believe what we do, ( and several have given you the condensed version) but it's our duty to Jehovah and our love for others lives that cause us to come to your door. Let them in, ask your questions, and listen with an open mind. You may just be surprised at what they say and what you think about it!
2006-06-06 15:08:10
answer #7
answered by themom 6
i was a Jehovah's witness for 27 years. my family lived in California and moved to Utah 30 years ago to help establish a congregation. my father was presiding overseer. after 10 years we had built a kingdom hall and moved back to ca. none of my family are Jehovah's witnesses now. i do not want to go religion bashing, but for me, i finally i am free. i am a christian not a Jehovah's witness. Jesus is what truly freed me. although witnesses appear to use their bible so much the doctrines are taken out of context and are taught as truth then later retracted claiming go has given their headquarters 'new light'. they are very moral sincere people, just as i was. but how much time i wasted trying to defend the fact that Jesus died on a stake as opposed to a cross. and that everyone not a witness would be destroyed by god. i can not believe that way anymore. Jesus came for gentiles and Jews and all gods children. but i am not judging their place with god. it just put a barrier between my family and his son, Jesus Christ.
2006-06-06 12:28:47
answer #8
answered by poppysgirl 2
My understanding is that they are not very different from Catholics (I met a few). basically they seem to study the bible more closely and refer book passages to other passages in other books of the bible to see/understand the word of God more clearly.
I am a Christian, but I have to admit that I seemed to learn more about religion through my few interviews with Jehovah's witnesses than all of my life as a Catholic.
I don't see anything wrong with them or any other religion as long as they are worshipping the one true God (no offense to other religions) and follow the commandments.
The bible is complex, a bunch of books written by others in different time periods. When assembled they relate to each other. This proves to me that God exists. For those of you that do not believe you will be lost.
If God doesn't exist...than we will all be lost.
2006-06-06 12:14:22
answer #9
answered by ? 5
As one of Jehovahs Witnesses I can tell you the following
1.Jehovahs Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God,and they hold to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs.
2.They worship Jehovah as the only true God and freely speak to others about him and his loving purposes toward mankind.
3.They believe,not that Jesus Chirst is part of a Trinity,but that,as the Bible says,he is the Son of God,the first of God's creations;that he had a prehuman existence and that his life was trnasferred from heaven to the womb of a virgin,Mary;that his perfect human life laid down in sacrifice makes possible salvation to eternal life for those who exercise faith;that Christ is actively ruling as King,with God given authority over all the earth since 1914.
4.They believe that God's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind;that it is a real government;that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things,including all human governments,and that it wil produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail.
5.They believe that 144,000 spirit anointed Christians will share with Christ in his heavenly KIngdom,ruling as kings with him.They do not believe that heaven is the reward for everyone who is "good".
6.They believe that God's original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled;that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of Jehovah and that these will be able to enjoy eternal life in human perfection;that even the dead will be raised to an opportunity to share in these blessings.
7.They believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing;that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure in some spirit realm;that they do not exist except in God's memory,so hope for their future life lies in a resurrection from the dead.
8.They believe that we are living now,since 1914,in the last days of this wicked system of things.
9.They earnestly endeavor to be no part of the world,as Jesus said would be true of his followers.They show genuine Christian love for their neighbors,but they do not share i nthe politics or the wars of any nation.They provide for the material needs of their families but shun the world's avid pursuit of material things and personal fame and its excessive indulgence in pleasure.
10.They believe that it is important to apply the counsel of God's Word in everyday life.Regardless of a person's past way of life,he may bcome one of Jehovah's Witnesses if he abandons practices condemned by God's Word and applies its godly counsel.But if anyone thereafter makes a practice of adulter,fornication,homosexuality,drug abuse,drunkedness,lying or stealing be will be disfellowshipped from the organization.
So here I have listed some outstanding beliefs and hope the information I have supplied you will move you to allow Jehovah's witnesses into your home.I personally feel that this is the only true religion and that it has God's backing.No other religion has such understanding of the Holy Scriptures and no other religion can see God's Holy Spirit backing their organization and their preaching work,as we do.I used to be a catholic and thank Jehovah every day for allowing me the priviledge of getting to know Him.
This is why we go door to door searching for honest hearted ones who are hungry for the truth.Your mum could not be in better hands.
2006-06-06 12:31:18
answer #10
answered by lillie 6
Everything they say, they have some scripture that backs it up.
They believe when you die, you become non-existant.
God will re-make you (resurrection) after He has turned the earth into a paradise ...and you will have a chance to live forever on earth in perfect health.
Apparently, that time is not too far away because they believe we are living in the "last days" of the world, as we know it.
They're fun to talk to, they have a sense of humor.
2006-06-06 12:08:48
answer #11
answered by Uncle Thesis 7