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I have a large birthmark on my shoulder the size of 2 ten ps and it is really dark brown in colour.I never where strappy tops coz im so scared of what ppl say and when ppl are looking at me i feel that there looking at my birthmark coz they can see it in the corner of their eye when talking to me.I went to a dermatologist to get it lightened but he said it is in an awquad place and i could get keloud scars(i think thats what there called).Would dermablend cover this as the birthmark is so dark?

2006-06-05 23:29:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

when i went to the dermatologist he sed i couldnt have skin graph.thw plastic surgeon will only give the same answer as the dermatologist wont he?can any 1 reccomend any think to cover it up?

2006-06-05 23:41:06 · update #1

10 answers

I really feel for you, I found an article on netdoctor.co.uk, here is a little snip from there and hope it will help you. I have one too but thankfully it has not caused me any problems, mainly because of its location, and to be honest I often forget its there (its on my bum! lol)

Melanocytes are the cells that turn our skin brown in the sun and cause freckles.

Brown birthmarks are quite common, affecting 1 in 100 babies. However, large ones are quite rare. They are permanent, and treatment is not always possible.

Plastic surgery may be offered, but this is not a simple option, because the scarring it leaves is not necessarily better than the birthmark itself.

Not all birthmarks can be treated. If laser treatment or surgery is not possible, camouflage cream is a way of disguising the appearance of birthmarks.
Camouflage can be very effective. The Red Cross are generally the leaders in that. They give a demonstration so you can learn how to apply it.

Have a look at these sites they may be able to help you:

Birthmark Support Group: www.btinternet.com/~birthmarksupportgroup/home.htm

Changing Faces: www.changingfaces.co.uk

Disfigurement Guidance Centre: www.dgc.org.uk

British Red Cross: www.redcross.org.uk/index.asp?id=91

2006-06-06 06:34:32 · answer #1 · answered by lezann40 3 · 5 1

Instead of a dermatologist you should have seen a councellor to build up your self confidence, I don't think people are looking at your birthmark you just think they are cos you're paranoid about it and are embarrassed by it.
The next time you feel bad about it just think of the thousands of people who really do suffer with a disfiguring skin problem like excema/psoriasis sufferers or burns victims, a birth mark is nothing compared to those problems.
If you can stop thinking about it all the time and seeing yourself as a birthmark with body attached the less it will bother you cos people really don't notice it

2006-06-05 23:37:52 · answer #2 · answered by madamspud169 5 · 0 0

a friend just had a birth mark removed nicely form the face and worked, it may be wise to try what the surgeon if offering you. If not removed by totality, youy can always try another surgery session later on, it will be on the way to reducing it. It can only get better. Website for personal support is The Birth mark Society

2006-06-07 00:42:12 · answer #3 · answered by maria p 3 · 0 0

I wouldn't worry about a birthmark on your shoulder. Wear what you like. If people stare thats their own problem. There are people out there who have birthmarks or scars on their face that can't hide it. You'll probably find that no-one will even notice your shoulder.

2006-06-05 23:34:53 · answer #4 · answered by littlebethan 5 · 0 0

You could try going to a tattoo parlour and have a couple of trees, a lake and some lush grass etched onto your shoulder around the mark and tell everyone its a beauty spot.

2006-06-05 23:56:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

See a plastic surgeon?

2006-06-05 23:33:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have an upside down heart on my left shoulder.

2006-06-06 00:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by Night Hawk 1 · 0 0

relax and chill the beans and you will be ok, its one of these things that will fan out in time, no need to be paranoid its a okay

2006-06-05 23:54:05 · answer #8 · answered by pmg 1 · 0 0

plastic surgeon

2006-06-05 23:34:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont worry about it.. i think your gonna be fine.

2006-06-06 09:38:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0