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11 answers

~Guilty of what? Losing his country to an imperialist invasion force? If the US is justified in invading Iraq, then China has every right to invade the US over our racial or economic policies. Only unlike Iraq, the US does have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction: neuclear, chemical and biological and has proven a willingness to use them..
Not liking the way a nation is run does not justify declaring war on it. And if harboring terrorists is justification for invasion, Iran had every right to attact the US when we gave assylum to the Shah, Castro when we harbor his enemies, Vietnam when we brought Thieu over, ....... the list goes on and on and on and on.
Of course, the Iraqi people support our presence there. That's why the troops are already home and we aren't flying bodybags back. And the Afghans wanted us to invade them too. The same ones that invited the Soviets in, back when we were training and arming Osama Bin Ladin.
If you want justice, why not start at home and give Florida back to the Seminoles, the plains to the Lakota, or pay repartions to the Cherokee for giving them blankets infested with smallpox. Oops. Unamerican thoughts, those were. Mea Culpa.

2006-06-12 21:38:46 · answer #1 · answered by Oscar Himpflewitz 7 · 0 0

Let the people of Iraq decide.
You have done enough, now leave Iraq and Saddam to Iraqis.
Deal with Bush for getting so many troops killed outside USA in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2006-06-06 04:57:58 · answer #2 · answered by Saadi 5 · 0 0

Saddam is not guilty,nothing will happen to him,every body needs him to calm down the terrible situation in Iraq as well in the area..

2006-06-06 05:04:48 · answer #3 · answered by salim336 1 · 0 0

I suppose that since the reasons for the invasion proved to be false, that would make the invasion unjustified. While he was a tyrant/dictator, his forces and American forces have probably killed about the same number of Iraqi people. If I were a citizen of another country I would worry that the United States might find my government/leader to be dangerous and have him/her in a safe cell while the rest of us are living out Dante's Inferno.

2006-06-06 09:22:21 · answer #4 · answered by Tony A 2 · 0 0

He’s definitely guilty, just like most of the politicians. He’s been put on trial, let the Iraqis decide what to do with him. Personally, I don’t support capital punishment, so I’d prefer prison. In the same cell with Bush. lol

2006-06-06 04:56:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

guilty of what? you know weve put the baath party back in power & now support them. we have flipped again to support the sunni. gassing of kurds in halabja in 1988? the charges stem from the war with the kurds of north iraq that we trained & supported in attacking the sunni. same as if north dakoda attacked south dakoda, the rest of the states would be obliged to retaliate. the killing of religious figures in 1974? our cia said they were extreamists in the jihad. the 1990 invasion of kuwait? http://www.bnfp.org/neighborhood/jmoore.htm
the suppression of the 1991 uprisings by kurds and shiites. the sunni have political power, the shiites have oil & the kurds have sand. we backed them because theyd be more favorable to deal with than the shiites when we were ready to take the oil. there has never been proof that they had anything to do with 911.

2006-06-06 06:02:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe they will find him guilty.. But honestly..they have no real proof that any commands came directly from him in any form of genocide..I find it hypocritical that our President can order the bombing of the country that kills many innocent people (who has no air force whatsoever), and it is considered collateral damage.

2006-06-06 04:56:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

They should let him go and let him start running Iraq again. Sure, he's a hard man, but you need a hard man in charge of that country.

2006-06-06 04:55:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wat the hel!? of course hes guiltuy. hes a mutha****** tyrant that killed thousands of men, women, and children. i would have to say that the death punishment wont be near enough of a punishment for him, but this is the obvious punishment.

2006-06-06 05:01:47 · answer #9 · answered by ojndoanj 3 · 0 0

of course best punishment firing squad

2006-06-06 04:53:49 · answer #10 · answered by sicivic05 4 · 0 0