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I think my dog would say, "Hey, guess what I have for dinner last night...!" Or "So the cat tried to scratch my nose again and I was like, 'Lemme just sniff you a little', and she was all 'Eww! Go Away!'"

blah... who knows... all I know is that my dog seems to talk w/ the other dogs every morning.

2006-06-05 20:05:54 · 14 answers · asked by Jose 2 in Pets Dogs

14 answers

Normal and smoother barks will be greetings and calling out "if any buddies are around"

Compulsive barks is to summon for "back-ups"

Snaring barks with teeth showing will be "Back off" lay off my gal!

2006-06-05 20:19:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

My Westie always responds. He is probably telling them your making too much noise. Or ha ha, my mom lets me sits in the window seat and I have the best view of the neighborhood, or she just made me another great meal. All kidding aside, sometimes he gets quite nervous with some barks. Almost as if the other dog needs help!The pitch of his response changes.
When we talk to our dog, he does respond. We have taught him how to bark for please and thank you. It is a very soft bark, almost a .rrrrrrrrrr! We tell him he needs to use an indoor voice.
Quite cute!
Just one of those crazy Westie Lovers

2006-06-06 04:06:37 · answer #2 · answered by Vintage-Inspired 6 · 0 0

I think mine is bragging to the Datshuns next door that he has a trampoline in his backyard & 6 kids to play with ( I have 2 kids....my cousin has 4)....& all they have are the trees & the birds....I have a Lab that likes to sit in the middle of our trampoline & bark.....the dogs next door sit at their fence & bark back at him.....ESP. when the kids are all outside....OMG!....Bark Fest!.....lol

2006-06-06 03:20:50 · answer #3 · answered by mysticfairy74 5 · 0 0

sometimes dogs do communicate through barking..sometimes its a hello, other times its stay away from me you freak...other times its HA HA i got the new purina dog chow with small pieces of meat in it and You didnt..sometimes it could be..woah nice tail baby!

2006-06-06 03:09:54 · answer #4 · answered by bmxcollections 5 · 0 0

Introducing eachother and after that, just chatting maybe........we all do it so why not dogs, it's just that we humans do it by talking and they do it by barking. Now, if you're a good parent then they shold be saying good things about you........ :) If not, I see why you'd be wondering.....LOL

2006-06-06 03:26:04 · answer #5 · answered by Dela 2 · 0 0

"Had a great piece of a s s last night!"
"Yeah?! Ya mean that little schnauzer down the road?"
"Damn right!"
"Yup! Nothing better than a schnauzer in heat!"
"Woof to that!"

2006-06-06 03:50:35 · answer #6 · answered by oh_scheiss 3 · 0 0

"ill slit your throat... keep walking. keeeep walking home boy. what!! you looking at me with those filthy beady eyes! dont you dare stick your tail at me. ill come **** on your entire lawn buddy. OOO thats it Dogg thats it! ooo wanna be starten something! dont look at me like that punk. what.. what.. wanna say sumtin? some say it to my rear. YOU KNOW WHAT! im gunna hunt you down with my homies and we gunna do a walk bye and **** alllll over you and your family. YOUR NOT SAFE dude!! oooo LETS SEE it. yah thats right. punk *** *****.. RRRRRRRRRrrufff!!" ***** *****"

at least thats what my dog says

2006-06-06 03:12:52 · answer #7 · answered by PhD from my dog 4 · 0 0

its to let each other know what is goin on in the neighborhood....by sayin hi to bad in the hood......r someone has died....sirens hurt there ears...so many things

2006-06-06 03:50:52 · answer #8 · answered by pearlpinkplants 2 · 0 0


2006-06-06 03:08:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think it will say to one another''get ready to bite icecream man 12 o'clock.

2006-06-06 03:12:28 · answer #10 · answered by kingmindfreak 1 · 0 0