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My sister is thinner than me and its killing me. What can I do?

2006-06-05 19:20:33 · 22 answers · asked by Hope2006 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

22 answers

Yes it's normal. When you are children. It's called sibling rivalry. But if you are an adult, and so is your sister, I'd say it's not normal. That's when it gets to be a problem, and it may require some counseling.

2006-06-05 19:25:06 · answer #1 · answered by Becca 6 · 0 0

I used to feel jealous of my sister . . . . Wait a second I still am sometimes! It's human nature to be jealous, and weight can be such a sensitive issue. I try my hardest not to feel envious, but I can't deny that I sometimes feel a slight twinge of envy. Nevertheless, I do know that we are different people and each awesome in our own way. My sister actually lost a lot of weight at one point, which left me (just having gained my freshmen . . 30!) as officially the fat sister. Everybody would gush about how great she looked and I would just stand there and feel so ugly. Now it's completely different. I've lost some weight too, but mostly I just feel a lot better about myself. I'm convinced I'm a beautiful person and quite frankly (twinges of envy aside) I'd rather be me than anyone else in the world.

You too should feel that way! You are beautiful no matter what. Not only are you beautiful on the inside, but just look at your body . . . every woman is gorgeous. This may sound a bit a extreme . . . but you are a goddess of the earth! We all are!

2006-06-05 21:33:37 · answer #2 · answered by Jess22 1 · 0 0

It is natural to 'compete' with something very close to you....
Sister(own) is an obvious victim of such jealousy. See, it is your expectation and the knowledge that achieving it is not easy is what causes jealousy. Now to solve this, just think with a cool mind that there are only two possibilities. Either you can thin or you cannot(reasons not important, so don't complicate at this point). Now in either case expectation has no real role. If possible then have it as a goal and work it our in a spirit of healthy competition (you will in fact come closer to your sister in doing so, because you would take help and suggestions if available). On the other hand if it is not possible, then, please see sincerely that it is meaningless to expect what is not feasible. This acceptance "releases" you from the "killing me" feeling and you will instead be joyous of the fact at least your sister IS (WHAT YOU LIKE TO BE YOURSELF!). Good luck and best wishes.

2006-06-05 19:33:04 · answer #3 · answered by Spiritualseeker 7 · 0 0

Do you want to be thin? Or beautiful? Forget about your sister. She certainly isn't the most beautiful girl born on earth. (Even if she is, this doesn't mean you can't be beautiful too.)

Sibiling rivalries are so teenage. Learn to love yourself. See that you are perfect. And one day, when you don't need any convincing about being perfect, you will be beautiful and thin and all that.

BTW, I was once nagged for being fatter than my sister. Now I am thinner. A little time and change, everything changes.

2006-06-05 19:29:15 · answer #4 · answered by WaterStrider 5 · 0 0

Tell me about it. My sister is Anorexic and I'm JUST average! I hate seeing her! I'm jelouse too so don't worry about it. All you gotta do is overcome it. I've tried this pass wek and qhat I did was see all the good qualities that I have and she doesn't. There was very few but still. Even the littlest thing can make you fell better. I thought it never would but it DID! You could e-mail me if you want? www.redprincessqt@yahoo.com
I'm 12 years old by the way.

2006-06-05 19:30:39 · answer #5 · answered by kourtney k 2 · 0 0

Yeah it's normal to be jealous of your thinner sister, it's human nature. But if you want to get rid of the bad feelings, work on yourself. Exercise, get fit...so you don't have to be envious of others. SO that you can feel proud of yourself.

2006-06-05 19:30:32 · answer #6 · answered by Sweetbulbs 5 · 0 0

Being jelous Is something that the final public human beings have , some admit to it some conceal it and a few are eaton up with it ,yet what it particularly is is your ownself giving the dark area of existence ability! How once you experience such as you will desire to experience jelous of everybody basically say self i'm as solid AS WHAT EVER !! and then attempt to fokus on the solid you're able to do..

2016-10-30 07:22:45 · answer #7 · answered by aguas 4 · 0 0

Your sister probably has many things that are different from you...Sometimes being jealous is normal... But know that she probably has things she wishes she had instead of you... I know that I had a friend once who said she wished she had my way of talking to people ... I was baffled to find she wanted to do this, and would trade her much smaller body to be able too... I had always wished I had her body... I guess what I am saying is find your strengths and build on them don't worry about what you don't have... Use what you do have .... Remember beauty comes from whats inside not from whats outside ... Beauty is fleeting ... true beauty shines from within....Angel

2006-06-05 19:30:41 · answer #8 · answered by Angel 2 · 0 0

i remember b4 i was also jealous of my older sister becoz she got a really nice body she eats alot but still she doesnt gain any wait in she is noticeable in short while me is the opposite thing...but u know it doesnt really matter if ur thinner or fat as long as you healthy it is what it counts...if u wanna be thinner then go on diet...but its not healthy in mind thingking that way....
specially on ur sister...but if its really ur body type then u can never really change it no matter what... be happy that u got a sister.....

2006-06-05 22:29:55 · answer #9 · answered by ToxoTes 2 · 0 0

Yeah, it is normal. Just try to focus on yourself though. We all have different body types and metabolisms. So, it is not a fair comparision. If you concentrate on your own fitness and diet goals....you will think less of her. Once you start and stick to a plan...I guarantee that you will feel much better and less jealous. Good luck.

2006-06-05 19:35:27 · answer #10 · answered by Mav17 5 · 0 0