2006-06-05 18:30:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes! the muslim God which is called Allah represent the same God as the christian God.
2006-06-05 18:30:44
answer #2
answered by sweetgirl 1
No. Basically the christian God is a two-sided God. One side is all loving and forgiving as Jesus was trying to promote and the other is more strict which is based on the old testement. The Allah of Islam is a God without his permission nothing happens and is basically a dictator. Long story short, both are Man-made Gods but not the same
2006-06-05 18:35:07
answer #3
answered by bandari 2
Muslims claim that Christian God and Allah are the same thing. Almost all Christians deny that.
2006-06-05 18:29:02
answer #4
answered by avik_d2000 4
Allah is God and religions recognise both, differences are not present, and Allah is the last we heard from religions since Islam is the final word of God or Allah to humanity through a prophet.As fro the word "being" it impossible to say but it is definitely not what we know as a human being or any other type of being. Allah and or God have created all the "beings" so they are not a "being".
2006-06-05 18:36:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Muhammed was heavily influenced by the Christian Bible. He could not present it as it was to a culture so vastly different, so he changed a few things to suit the culture. There are some verses in the Koran that are exactly the same as the Bible though. Unfortunately, later things got political, as they always do and a little fuzzy. But yes, the God Muhammed spoke of and brought to his people was the God of the Christians.
2006-06-05 18:31:34
answer #6
answered by kaplah 5
No. As Muslims will tell you, they believe we can't know anything of Allah's nature and that if he were to say we should kill everyone else in the world that would be the new moral standard.
On the contrary, Christians believe God is consistent in His revelation to humanity, unchanging, and has revealed the essence of who He is to us in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Muslims will also tell you that their Allah created us all as an experiment, as playthings. Christians on the other hand believe God created us to share a meaningful, personal relationship with us, as vessels of love to not just receive love but give it in return.
2006-06-05 18:30:01
answer #7
answered by jzyehoshua1 3
In the minds of Muslims they worship the same God as the Jews and the Christians. As a Christian I believe that the Koran leads them to worship a counterfeit "god" who is satanic in origin. I'm not trying to put down the people who adhere to the Muslim religion and who try to live good and moral lives. I'm basing my belief on the Scriptures that teach that Satan seeks to imitate God and to supplant Him as an object of worship among mankind.
The god of the Koran is not consistent with the God of the Bible in many areas of revelation. Since God never changes or contradicts Himself it's apparent that He did not inspire the writings in the Koran and so those who worship that "god" do not worship the same God as the Jews and the Christians.
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. Matthew 24:24-26
2006-06-05 18:42:04
answer #8
answered by Martin S 7
I think it's entirely possible that all religions are seeing the same things, just in different ways. I mean if you think about it, even the ancient Greeks had one head god and a whole bunch of lesser is that much different from the Christian God and a bunch of angels?
The way I see it, God is so complex that no mortal can ever understand him/her/it fully, so we each see our own little facet of the truth.
2006-06-05 18:32:13
answer #9
answered by onyxflame 3
im sure all the christians here will deny that. muslims however think hes the same one.
oh and the word god in arabic means allah. arab christians call god allah aswell, i know, i lived in an arab country full of christians.
2006-06-05 18:34:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but the major player religions are too busy quibbling amongst themselves to step back and realize it. Most subscribe to the "True Religion" (my way or the highway) form of religion. In other words, each is convinced their God is THE God, their book is THE book, etc. Deity speaks to all of us in the manner in which we are able to understand and the message to me may be different than the message to you. Get over it.
2006-06-05 18:37:54
answer #11
answered by peachyone 6