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If anyone knows a store where a replacement can be bought, the price, the make, etc... that would be a great help!

2006-06-05 16:21:36 · 5 answers · asked by scrumpt10us 2 in Consumer Electronics Camcorders

5 answers

Walmart and Radio Shack sell universal power adapter cords. They aren't expensive.

2006-06-05 16:24:51 · answer #1 · answered by ☼Jims Brain☼ 6 · 0 0

Call or go to Sony.com and see what an exact replacement costs. Could be it is close to a generic that may or may not work, then if you have to buy a second power cord, the generic was no bargin.
Sony is known for having 'odd ball' parts that only Sony can supply.
You might check at a larger camera store that repairs / sells used cameras -- they may have one from a Handycam that wasn't worth repairing. Good Luck.

2006-06-05 17:12:38 · answer #2 · answered by pappy 6 · 0 0

Bring the camera to Radio Shack. They almost always can fix you up with the cord you need.

2006-06-05 16:25:28 · answer #3 · answered by just♪wondering 7 · 0 0

depending on what cam coder you have like on some you can use a psp charger or regular phone charger or you can mail a letter to Sony and they can work something out

2006-06-05 16:25:25 · answer #4 · answered by rockstar 1 · 0 0

ac adapters are usually pritory you can order new ones at 888- bestbuy or buy a universal one at best buy, but is better to use a sony one.

2006-06-05 16:26:56 · answer #5 · answered by evied19 1 · 0 0