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[Selected]: All categories Travel Italy Cagliari

I am planing a holiday in Sardinia in July 2007. I have read lots of websites and reviews about Sardinia but I would be really grateful if somebody could tell me the answer to one important question:

How do I get around from one marvelous beach/place to another in Sardinia? I don't have adriving licence so I won't be able to rent a car. Are the any other options, and how viable are they?

Thank you in advance.


2007-01-24 09:01:12 · 4 answers · asked by rozavantarulior 1

sono una ragazza della sardegna, sono stata poco fa a londra e vorrei parlare con qualcuno in italiano!

2006-08-14 10:07:36 · 6 answers · asked by leila_soad 2