okay, well, how there is a "war" going on between vegetarians/vegan/flexitarians/etc and omnivores.
well, I am a flexitaian, and i have NO problem with other people eating meat. Its just..
the only thing that bothers me, is when someone will ask a question (What is your favorite food...?) in vegetarian and say something about a nice steak, or.. something.
when someone will post a question (What should i make for supper..? I need to include alot of meat in this because ......) in Food & Drink and then vegetarians will say dont eat meat! its wrong!
its unfair, the way we treat eachother. so why cant we all just.. be ourselves.?
if you, a vegetarian, tries to get an omnivore to become a vegetarian, then, well, thats not going to make the omnivore happy..
AND if an omnivore tries to get us to eat meat, the vegetarian isnt going to be happy.
If someone wants to become an omnivore, or a vegetarian, or anything, they will post a question theirselves.. right..?
AUTHORS NOTE- VERY IMPORTANT INFO----------------------------
PLEASE. nobody be offended. these are my own thoughts, and whether or not you choose to agree with them is YOUR choice. not mi,e or anyone elses.
by saying Vegetarians and omnivores, im not trying to label. im just comparing this to whats going on on the veggetarian board.
If you have any other questions, check my profile and e-mail me, or something. thanks for your time. bye.!
-----------------~SO... do you agree..?~---------------------------------------
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