The "sandbagger": This driver likes to drive 10 miles under the speed the fast lane. He /she creates traffic jams by going the exact speed as the car in the slow lane, thus causing a "rolling roadblock".
"Wally Weaver": This driver weaves more than a Persian Rug maker. Unwilling to focus on driving, he/she would rather fumble for a CD, tune the radio, talk on the cell phone, or reach for the baby's pacifier.
Cell Phone Sally: She is a hybrid of the "Sandbagger" and "Wally Weaver". She can't chew gum and walk at the same time, yet she thinks she can talk on cell phone and drive at the same time.
Darting Dan: This driver darts in and out of traffic, cutting people off and sometimes causing people to run off the road or slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.
Suicide Sam: This is a biker who tailgates trucks and cars and never wears a helmet (can you say... head trauma?).
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