A high five may seem like a simple, fun-filled action, but often results in severe *****-faced pain. No joke. Here are some tips.
1. Make eye contact with your partner
Make sure they know you intend to go through this process so you don't risk having apparent autism by slapping at the air.
2. Know the difference
A. The "high five" is normally error-proof when used in a reasonable way. Instead of you and your partner meeting half-way in your "high five" hold your hand in the air and let them do the slapping.
B. The "low five" is safer and more suttle. Used in exchange for a wink or a elbow nudge. Often meaning you and your partner are in on something such as an inside joke, prank ect. Less boisterous and always friendly.
C. Secret handshakes will often create jealousy between people who wish they were as cool as you.
D. High fives that take place behind your back are slick and cool but can create an odd image for an outsider with a different view on what your partner is slapping. Usually creates awkwardness.
3. Know your surroundings
Make sure your high five is in a clear area away from fragile objects. Make sure the people around you are okay with being put at such a risk. And lastely make sure everyone is treated equally, and don't give one person more high-fives then another. This can make this good-intended maneuver explode out into a dance-off, rap-off or even drunken brawls.
4. Maintain a good speed
Not too fast, not too slow. Too fast creates redhands like Indians, too slow makes you look like your trying too hard.
5. Clear the area
Stand clear of all bathtubs, birdcages, vases, computer, sharp objects, tables, bookshelves, mean-faced losers, cats, fishbowls, stereos, trees, and people with guns. If you need to, go outside or have peopl leave the room for a few seconds while you high-five.
All in all, make sure you look cool doing it. It isnt that cool when you slap at the air too fast doing a secret handshake that makes someone else jealous who starts rapping at you when you knock over a fishbowl.
If you have any questions, I'm here for you.
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