For tonight, he is calling himself "Rice Whore". Let's just get all of his questions out of the way and then we can all go back to just wasting time with minimal anger. Who's with me?
Here are some of his classics; actually, once you understand who he is, these don't bother me as much, don't give in to him with an angry response, he gets off on that.
Do dirtycolored girls like to keep polecats as pets because they are the only mammal they smell better than?
Why do colored girls feed their babies spoonfulls of yeast infection cheese and say "whodat be cheesin fo ya"?
Do you think about your great grandpa beating a coloredslave girl for not picking enough cotton and smile?
When a colored girl feeds her colored baby her cancerous aids riddentittymilk why isnt she charged with abuse?
How do you decide which aids ridden colored baby should go into the wood chipper first, by smell, or how ugly?
Why do colored girls stick pork tenderloins in their poopyholes and say "who let the dogs
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