despite what crap continually comes out of hollywood, there are still plenty of original, innovative things out there that haven't been done yet, unlike the remake remake remake strategy that the motion picture industry is stuck on currently. here are some great stories that would make great movies - however, LEAVE THEM THE WAY THEY ARE!!! i understand editing for time constraint, but completely rewriting it and then releasing it under the same name? no. my list:
- "year zero" by jeff long
- "cryptonomicon" by neal stephenson
- "the case of charles dexter ward" by h.p. lovecraft
- "fairyland" by paul j. mcauley
as well as many others that escape me at the moment, in addition to those that have been made into movies previously, and very badly. h.p. lovecraft and philip k. dick alone have enough material for dozens of movies. any other suggestions?
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