I really need help with this.
i did read the book but i don't really comprehend it
plz help me
1.)We face challenges everyday in our lives, but usually not on the same scale as a character in a novel.
What was William Halloway's biggest challenge?
describe how he handled it?
Then put yourself in the same situation and explain how you would have dealt with it?
2.)If you were a fortuneteller. William Halloway came to you seeking knowledge of the future.
What would you predict what his/her life will be like five years after the conclusion of the story?
where he /she will live(in 5 yrs)?
Who are the people he is closest to(in 5 yrs)
what activities they are involved in(in 5yrs),
because of their experiences since the conclusion of the story, a motto that they now live by(in 5 yrs)
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