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[Selected]: All categories Dining Out France Saint-Etienne

2006-08-29 06:45:48 · 39 answers · asked by Jonida B 1

2006-08-18 05:34:57 · 16 answers · asked by j-r-c 2

to find a familial and social escape hatch for not being present and conscious and available in any helpful way. It's like you tell her something where . .used to be . . she gave a F . . and would even rush to help . . NOW . . it's like she is giving everyone the finger by acting like a retard.

She may as well be saying, "I like Pie", while people are bleeding to death around her . . and picking her nose. I want to slap her face off. But alas . . I am out of state. She's always like, "Oh watch so and so on TBN" . . .like - Oh, yeah that is gonna get me my house back.

I can't wait to tell her to, "Oh watch blah and blah on blah blah blah", when she is lying in her own sh*t in a nursing home. I will try to find the Worst one possible with like Ex-Cons in it as nurses aids and medical assistants, . . . and, even then, I will ask if she can get a discount if every Sunday she SKIPS all care and attention. He, he,he, he ,he, he.

2006-08-14 18:58:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 19:09:24 · 8 answers · asked by Nanner 2