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Even when the reason for some thing can be described through science still people think it has happened according to the gods wish
Why is that?

2007-12-31 18:53:53 · 41 answers · asked by Shenya 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

well Thanks for your ideas
well some of you have asked why don't I belive in god

It is because, well I think that every thing that happens is due to a reason
The Earth is here due to a reason
We are here due to a reason
And according to what I've learned at school there are 5 main reasons
1) The weather or season

2007-12-31 19:09:56 · update #1

well Thanks for your ideas
well some of you have asked why don't I belive in god

It is because, well I think that every thing that happens is due to a reason
The Earth is here due to a reason
We are here due to a reason
And according to what I've learned at school there are 5 main reasons
1) The weather or season
2) The birth (where you are born and the family)
3) Karma
5) the way your mind works or thoughts

That is why I do not believe in god

But remember I'm not asking any of you to belive or not to belive
I just wanted to know your ideas

Thanks for the effort

2007-12-31 19:14:16 · update #2

41 answers

don´t know for the others.

for me, god is like a pillow:

practical when I need some rest.


2007-12-31 21:35:11 · answer #1 · answered by Pour la Paix. 6 · 1 0

dis is a very very good question... a question that will probably never be answered or even truely asked.... probably one reason u dont believe is b/c of the very specific way god is described or depicted in christian/judaic society. jus cuz dere is scientific evidence that disporves their specific god doesnt mean there's no higher power. i have studied the bible and despite its questionable creadibility that **** is really interesting. all i ever say is that idk if there's a god... ur saying there isnt a god.... and alotta ppl say there is.... but o well cuz if he really exists exactly as in the bible.... me nd u we'll both go to hell. many different cultures belive in some kind of higher power(s). i think part of it was before all scientific technology.... ppl needed and explanation for y stuff was the way it was. thats y they call it mythology ((ex: greek gods)) the only reason todays religions arent classified as like mythology is b/c they r still practiced today. also christianity is monotheistic. most mythology is polytheistic ((more than one god)). another reason is fear... ppl dont just want to believe that when they die its over.... u kno? especially cuz around the time a jesus ppls lives werent very good. they had to work really hard to stay alive and sometimes even that didnt guarantee life. and at some point someone must have seen something b/c i seriously doubt the entire bible was some dude just talking out his ***... maybe jesus was an alien. who knos. but i dont believe simply because its pretty much impossible if u believe evrything the bible says. also i just cant have that blind faith that some ppl have. i kind of admire them for it.... but at the same time i think they're dumb azz hell. lol. so that pretty much sums it up. thanx for listening
plz consider me for best answer!!

2007-12-31 19:42:09 · answer #2 · answered by Robin Hip Hop Hoe 4 · 1 1

Science is not positive about it. They are positive that they have a faith. "God" gives a reason for things people don't understand because they are afraid of the unknown. A great example of this is how the Greeks thought the sun was a god because they didn't understand rotation and such, they didn't know what the sun was and why it rose every day.

2007-12-31 19:09:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"God" is an often-vague concept. Belief in something beyond the 5-sense material is justified by e.g. the Host of Light miracle at Garabandal, in which a Host of Light is predicted by an Angel to a little child, filmed by sceptics as it coalesces in thin air, transcending basic laws of physics.

God is Energy, among other aspects. Even the atoms and light testify to Intelligence. Science relates to and investigates Truth and Form, it does not Create them, and partly controls them, at an atomic level.

You might appreciate the first link beyond 5-sense materialism, e.g. as given at http://www.tiller.org ("Psychoenergetic Science," Dr. William Tiller and "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer). Further steps include lucidity (waking and dreaming), high gamma wave states (meditation), and soulfield coherency (remote viewing, out-of-body data gathering). These types of scientific studies tend to heal the cartesian dualism of mind-body, and relink Mind with mind-body.

These states ask of the investigator some purification of her own presumptions, and becoming skilled in various states of awareness also helps greatly. One's inner childlike qualities are key to God-Self-awareness, a la Plotinus' One Mind Soul or Husserl's Pure Ego.

2007-12-31 19:54:14 · answer #4 · answered by j153e 7 · 1 0

Here's a modern example showing pretty much how it happens. It would be different circumstances throughout history, but the same basic plot (like Romeo and Juliet vs West Side Story).


2007-12-31 20:50:28 · answer #5 · answered by TC 2 · 1 0

You can blame our primitive barbarian ancestors who started believing in a higher being and/or afterlife some 60,000 years ago. Now its hard wired into our primitve limbic system of our brains.

The cerebral cortex is a more recent development, it is here where our logical and rational thought reside and is where us atheists have found a basis in reality.

It was a survival mechansim to help our cave man ancestors to cope and explain the unknown.

Since obsolete genes do not die overnight, you'll be seeing the majority of the earth's population believing in a distorted worldview.

2007-12-31 19:26:08 · answer #6 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 2 1

we just want to depend on something or someone

2007-12-31 18:58:06 · answer #7 · answered by chingun_g 2 · 2 1

Because science has been wrong before and because I have faith.... could you learn grammar and check your spelling before you start ragging on someone's faith?

2007-12-31 18:57:46 · answer #8 · answered by purplehaze730 2 · 3 3

why do you belive ni GOD

plz pik mine best

2007-12-31 18:57:24 · answer #9 · answered by ginger123 2 · 1 2

because god is our hearts. and he is not of this world so science can not define him. but i asure you he is real .

2007-12-31 18:57:12 · answer #10 · answered by judith h 2 · 2 2

Faith. . . Things happen for a reason. . . there are millions of things scienctist haven't found an answer to. . how would you explain that?

2007-12-31 18:56:03 · answer #11 · answered by ThisGuyRules 3 · 3 4