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gosh. I'm making a scrapbook. It's a project. The scrapbook is about World War II. Can you please tell me EVERYTHING you know about World War II in the Philippines? You know, Japanese and the atomic bomb etc etc?!

2007-12-31 18:42:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

4 answers

all of them are right. it started the same day when pearl harbor was bombed. the places of Davao, Clark Field and other military bases were simultaneously bombed. then after that, Manila was declared an open city so that there will be more less casualties. Quezon and Osmeña fled to corregidor where they are sworn to their second term as president and vice president. the United States Armed Forces of the Far East (USAFFE) made their last stand at Bataan and Corregidor. unfortunately, Bataan and Corregidor fall . the i shall return statement of McArthur is correct. the atomic bomb is the final defeat of Japan when it was dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. after the defeat of Japan, Japanese officials come aboard at the US Missuori (not sure of spelling) to sign the treaties of surrender with the Americans. World War 2 officially ended at the signing of the Peace Treaty in San Francisco. hope this helps.

2007-12-31 20:37:30 · answer #1 · answered by pao d historian 6 · 1 1

The previous answers look correct, but here's a couple more points:

1) The initial air raid attack on Clark Field in the Philippines occurred NINE HOURS after Pearl Harbor. Many historians are still befuddled as to how MacArthur managed to be surprised with his planes on the ground, but he did, and they were destroyed, at scant loss to the attacking Japanese.
2) When MacArthur and the Americans did return to the Phillipines in October 1944, the biggest naval battle of the war was fought at Leyte Gulf. During the land battle, the city of Manila was horribly destroyed -- it was like an Asian Stalingrad, defended to the death by fanatical Japanese. MANY civilians died there.
3) MacArthur is a human god to some, an arrogant "legend in his own mind" to others (I'm in the second group). When he escaped from Bataan by PT boat to Australia, some bitterness was left along with the brave fellows there, who had referred to him as "Dugout Doug" for sheltering in a cave while they were getting blown to Kingdom Come. After he split and made his (typically) grandiose pronouncement "I shall return", a grim joke circulated about a variety of carrier pigeon, the MacArthur bird. It would always return, the story went -- but only after a long, long time.

2008-01-01 05:30:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Juan B is entirely correct. I can't recall the name of the most recent dictator, whose wife had a 1,000 pair of shoes. But he was considered to be the hero of the Philippines after the war, for his resistance to the Japanese; and his reputation thus gained was responsible for his being elected to the Presidency after the war was over.


What a God awful mistake for the Philippines.

2008-01-01 03:42:49 · answer #3 · answered by Alberich 7 · 0 1

The same day as attacking Pearl Harbour, the Japanese attacked American forces under Douglas MacArthur based in the Philippines. They took-over swiftly and MacArthur ordered to retreat to Australia. Most of the US forces were left to surrender to the Japanese and spent the rest of the war in POW camps. He made his famous "I shall Return" thing. But it was completely in Japanese occupation until October of 1944.

2008-01-01 03:32:58 · answer #4 · answered by JuanB 7 · 0 1