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6 answers

Tattoos last for a very long time. So don't get one if you don't want to get marked forever. Stick with symbols or pictures never initials or letters representing names of your boyfriends Boyfriends might not last. I have a tattoo. It's so much lighter or faded now; but it still looks quite natural.

If you want it covered, the artist can tattoo over it applying more beige tone to camouflage it.

2007-12-31 22:25:51 · answer #1 · answered by rosieC 7 · 0 0

Many people have come through depression, including myself, over 15 years ago, and have been happy ever since. I do not want to go into what it is like. Not that I would be bothered by it. I see no point doing so. But I do recall the Bishop of Shrews bury called John, putting his hand on my head and blessing me, and within two weeks I felt much better, and I just knew that the depression had been lifted. I wrote to him some time after to tell him how I had been healed, following his prayers. For me this was truly a miracle because I was in a dreadful state. But reading what you have written, it is a concern that you are on so much medication. Maybe you need to talk to your doctor about this, and tell him/her how it is making you feel. Try and do one job at a time, and has they say, slowly pick up the pieces. Whether you can be the person you once was is another thing, but it is possible that you can be happy again, and as you say lead a normal life. Also; there is nothing wrong with looking back over your life, but when you do look back, look at all the good things and forget about any bad things.

2016-04-02 05:54:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well its depend if you try check out a closer tattoo shop and ask them about how long it does stay on you . most tattoos shops doesnt use fake needles , but if you go to fleas market the ones that are mostly outside , yes they have some like that stay forever or least months. or a year. depend what kind of tattoo you had .

2007-12-31 18:28:06 · answer #3 · answered by statecalifornia2009 7 · 0 0

So basically you want a tattoo but can't commit which means you shouldn't get a tattoo. They look like crap when you get older anyway.

2007-12-31 18:27:34 · answer #4 · answered by baby ostrich head face 3 · 0 0

Ive never heard of anything like that- except for a henna tattoo that lasts for only weeks

2007-12-31 18:24:27 · answer #5 · answered by heart broKen 2 · 0 0

ummmm...... id have 2 say no (unsure)

2007-12-31 18:20:55 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0