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The question is, isn't it enough?

2007-12-31 17:53:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

7 answers

Amen to that.

2007-12-31 18:15:20 · answer #1 · answered by JOE 4 · 2 2

I hear you. Hillary just wants to be the queen bee. She really doesnt give a fig about foreign policy, healthcare, or immigration. She just wants the Oval Office. There are many things I like about Barack... but he was behind the Dream Act, and I just cant get past that.

2008-01-01 10:57:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If Obama got to post, there would be a break through because he was black. This can show the spirit of Lincoln.

However, there may be problems in unify U.S. the North and the South.

He need to be much better than Lincoln.

2008-01-01 06:30:34 · answer #3 · answered by giginotgigi 7 · 0 0

Ron Paul for President 2008, though his not believing in Evolution worries me (and the earmarks he requests but doesn't vote for,suspicious);but, I think he's still far better than the lot of them, including Obama. He is still a politician;but, his record is far better than the rest of them.

Ron Paul has experience, Obama does not. Ron Paul also doesn't only say what is politically viable as Obama does. Obama will tie us down with more bureaucracy; and he is largely a reactionary politician (banning toys from China as news made a big deal of it, more bureaucracy and a complete political stunt).

I really think Ron Paul would beat any of the Democratic Candidates if he got the GOP nomination; and the good name of the Republican Party may begin to be restored, after having been hijacked by the Neo-Nazis.

The Democrats will say they fight for freedom by taking other peoples' freedoms away; the modern Republicans (neo-nazis) will say they are fighting for less government but spend just like the Liberals but borrow in the process. We need someone radically different that has integrity and experience, which is why I'm for Ron Paul. Cheers regardless. Happy New Years Sir!

2008-01-01 02:44:20 · answer #4 · answered by ajm48786 3 · 1 1

that is a point that everyone should agree 2

2008-01-01 02:32:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't want either of those two to have a chance to mess up my life. On evidence, either of them would be quite good at it.

2008-01-01 01:58:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

While I'm all for not allowing the current, familial political dynasties to continue, I don't agree with either of your solutions. Obama is far to inexperienced on the federal/international level to trust with leading the whole country. & Dr. Paul appears to switch parties if he thinks it will get him more votes (libertarian to republican). Plus anyone who understands the full breadth of his plans if elected should be scared to death at the repercussions of them.

2008-01-01 03:10:47 · answer #7 · answered by anna s 4 · 1 2