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There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called "The Web-Bot Project" makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future... and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012. Skeptics point to a long history of "Failed Doomsdays", but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record. As the year 2012 ticks ever closer we'll speculate if there are any reasons to believe these doomsayers.

Watch and decide for yourself if it is true.

Also 2012 I finish school 21 of december The school year ends where im from. I went to a wrestling event some guy had a wrestle mania 28 t shirt which happens in 2012 This is freaking me out and that day is the day my friend turns 18.

2007-12-31 17:46:53 · 22 answers · asked by Bob Bobson 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

22 answers

Only the New Agers think so. Predicting the apacolypse has been going on since Nero was throwing Christians to the lions, every turn of the Century, every end of the millenia, the 7th Day Adventists had their day in 1912, the Jim Jones cult and wacko in Waco both had their days, every passing of Haley's comet, eclipse of the sun and other end-of earth prophesies that i'm sure i missed.

One thing you can be sure of, the arsenals of the US and Russia can obliterate a million Hiroshimas.....anyway, sleep tight.

The closest we came to annihilation almost occurred on March 23, 1989 and we didn't even know it until the date passed.

An asteroid with a kinetic energy of over 1000 one-megaton hydrogen bombs (i.e., about 5,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima) was recorded to have passed very close to Earth, using new technology equipment recently emplaced. Named 1989FC, this asteroid was detected only well after its point of closest approach, and we found out it had passed so close only after calculating backwards its orbital path after realizing its nearness. Although not a planet killer, it was large enough to raise eye brows and cause us to believe how fragile life is on this planet.

2007-12-31 17:58:28 · answer #1 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

all that is going to happen is 60-100% of all human population and realistically 97%+ are going to die. The fact that we are going to have to live without the honey bees as they are going to go extinct later this year makes it that much more difficult. It's not the end of the world, but its only the end of many lives. Remember we are going to go through many ice ages over and over, and quite frankly this world needs one. We have destroyed this earth so badly that when the earth hits the center of the milky way and the destruction occurs there will be heavy winds and floods and blizzards on the northern belts. The web bot project says that their will be a nuclear war and probably on the USA in late 08 to late 09. If there is a nuclear war on the usa and that would probably kill millions then we are in for doomsday, but i guess we have to bright about it... Because it's not really a bad thing.. Its a good thing! Well it is neither good nor bad as from Neale Donald Walsch points out there is no such thing as good or bad!

2008-01-02 16:33:05 · answer #2 · answered by s8o098 3 · 0 0

The world will not end December 21, 2012.

Even if the seven-year tribulation period was to begin today (01/01/2008), seven years would bring us to the year 2015. From the end of the tribulation period, the world will continue on through the seven last plagues and the Millennium (a thousand years), to finally be destroyed after the battle of Gog and Magog.

Pat (ndbpsa ©)

2008-01-01 11:49:31 · answer #3 · answered by BibleProphecyOnTheWeb 5 · 0 0

Jesus appeared to Sr. Faustina Kowalska,a Polish Nun in1931 and asked her to write in her diary the following :
"Before the day of justice arrives,there will be given to people a sign in the sky of this sort :All light in the heavens will be extinguished,and there will be great darkness over the whole Earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky ,and from the openings where the hands and feet of Christ were nailed, will come forth great lights which will light up the Earth for a period of time.This will take place shortly before the last day."

The Virgin Mary has been appearing at Medjugorje since 1981 and is still appearing. She is giving 6 seers 10 messages (or secrets) of happenings that will occur in the near future. She is appearing to the seers to tell the world of the urgency to return to the ways of God.Mary said "my Son's patience is nearly exhausted."
Mary also said :"When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light,know that this is the great sign from God that the chastisement of the world for its many transgressions is at hand,through war, famine,persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father"
The ninth and tenth secrets are grave matters.They are a chastisement for the sins of the World.The punishment is inevitable because we can't expect the conversion of the entire World.The chastisement can be mitigated by prayers and penance. it cannot be supressed.An evil which threatened the world according to the seventh secret had been eliminated through prayer and fasting.After the visable sign,those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. According to one of the seers (Mirjana) - we are close to the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin.

These Apparitions and predictions could be connected to the date 2012 ,Judgement day ? Mary's apparitions have been well documented ,authenticated and thoroughly investigated to dismiss as fantasy or misguided spiritual fervour.The" miracle of the sun" at Fatima in 1917 has been described as a natual phenominom by scientists,but they don't know how 30,000 peoples' rain drenched clothes suddenly became dry in 3 minutes. The scientists never mention this fact.I wonder why ?

2008-01-01 07:45:16 · answer #4 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 0 1

I thought it would end Jan 1 2000, then that didn't happen...

So then it should have been April 5, 2000; then May5, then May 17...

Check out the source for the plethora of failures... one can only hope someone gets it right eventually!

As for your graduation etc., what makes you think you're so special? I graduated high school in 1994. Why is the end of the world revolving around you (pun intended), not me? Egomaniac...

If you're really worried, I hear wrapping yourself in bubble wrap and wearing a tin foil helmet might allow you to be beamed aboard the mother-ship, so you'll be rescued just before the end.

2008-01-01 05:05:25 · answer #5 · answered by TC 2 · 0 0

We won't know till that day, but that doesn't matter whether tomorrow's the end or on 2012 all we can do is live our lives to the fullest to at least make it bear fruits a hundredfold..

2008-01-01 04:55:33 · answer #6 · answered by libran 2 · 0 0

first of all. there is no reason for you to panic. we can never completely trust even the most genius of scientists becoz we are dealing with future here. how can anyone waste their time in predicting abt the"doomsday" when there are so many things hapening in this word right now. enjoy your present and live neat and conserve things. thing abt today and make plans for tomorrow not for the next yr or the next decade.

2008-01-01 05:45:03 · answer #7 · answered by chitti 2 · 0 0

It's my royal birthday I turn 21! So I'll probably be partying it up! The date 21/12/12 and I'll be 21! Pretty cool eh!

Does that mean the world is going to end? No! I went to Chichen izza and the Mayans were really special people and they knew more about astronomy than we do now. A lot can change tho.

2008-01-01 02:27:48 · answer #8 · answered by Laughing all the way 5 · 0 0

I believe something BIG is definitely gonna happen. another to look at is the great pyramid, the time line ends at 2012 there too. the new agers have talked of events happening that year but the time line of the great pyramid references biblical events. it is all very interesting and i agree no one will ever know the EXACT time the end will come, we have been given prophecy and other signs that can give us a "maybe it is around here" time! lol

i'm all prayed up how about you?

2008-01-01 02:19:04 · answer #9 · answered by Holly 2 · 0 0

When I was a small child; I always saw people claiming the world was going to end................ we're all still here.............hello................
Doomsayers are just lonely people who are begging for attention.
Think about this; earth is billions of years old..........
Humans begin and end life everyday - earth will always be here.............

2008-01-01 02:13:42 · answer #10 · answered by David G 3 · 1 0