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How many of you think people in their forties are too old to have children when they currently do not have any? I know the chances at having them are slimer and that they may have some problems.

What are your reasons to having them later in life?

2007-12-31 17:44:36 · 2 answers · asked by Stephanie F 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

2 answers

I had my first last year at 38, and we plan to have another in about 3 years if I still can. We travelled in our 20s, bought a house in our early 30s and planned a baby when I was 35. When it didn't happen, I found out it was due to my PCOS not my age. Went through a cycle of ovulation induction which didn't work, then fell pregnant on a weekend away. Yes we were nervous about possible problems but thank God she is perfect. We were only having one but now that we've discovered how totally amazing she is, we're going to try for a second. Also it will be good for her to have a sibling as she's got no cousins or other young relatives.

2007-12-31 18:06:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My last son was born when I was 40. There was no real reason - I was just sort of always a late bloomer - My first son was born when I was 32. I had 3 sons and then had a miscarriage when I was almost 4 months pregnant. Even though we weren't exactly thrilled about that original 4th pregnancy, after the miscarriage, I really felt like something was missing. So we definitely wanted another baby then, and I got pregnant about 7 weeks after the miscarriage.
It totally depends on your physical stamina and your personality. I would have been too immature in my 20's for children.

2007-12-31 18:05:22 · answer #2 · answered by lotus4yoga 4 · 5 0