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I know that it probably means nothing physical but, is it still considered a form of cheating. Also, is their ever a OK reason to be cheating on your husband or should you always seperate or divorce first before getting involved with someone else? What do most people really think of that person who is cheating on their husband-are they usually considered a low life for cheating? Does the lover eventually feel that way also, about that person? I cannot believe that the person involved with the cheater can really hold the cheater to a higher standard because they are seeing that person-doesn't say much for their integrity or character. I would always wonder if that person would do the same to me someday if things weren't going there way or that they just used me to get out of a bad marriage! Any answers from you guys out there on this subject-I'm really curious what most men feel about a woman cheater & why they would consider or risk getting involved.

2007-12-31 17:29:32 · 3 answers · asked by Mary B 4 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

3 answers

It sounds to me like you've thought this out for yourself pretty well. The only thing I can add is that, when you cheat with a man, you are setting the level of commitment you consider to be acceptable. So don't be surprised if he adheres to that same level of commitment if you later form a relationship.

To answer your question, emotional adultery is the act of forming an intimate relationship with someone which does not include physical intimacy. And it's probably more destructive to a marriage than is a purely physical relationship with no attachment.

2007-12-31 17:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Terri J 7 · 1 0

Most women describe an "emotional affair" as one where their hubby has a meaningful conversation with someone of the opposite sex. The same conversation with a member of the same sex is ok though. weird, huh?

The thing is that sometimes a person needs to discuss stuff that is going on in their live with a total stranger. A dis-interested point of view as it were. Then they can get honest answers to their questions. I guess this is bad.

Then, sometimes a person needs to feel as though they may still be found attractive by a member of the opposite sex and so they flirt a little. If the other person flirts back it's just for fun. As long as no one ever sugests meeting for something more that is.

When women have a problem with their husband/boyfriend they discuss it with other women and proceed from there. For some reason you women seem to think you know men oh so well. Well when men have a problem with a woman they want to talk to a woman. why? Because we have learned that other guys don't understand women and never will. And so now we get slammed for trying to make our good thing better.

I guess it's an emotional affair to the insecure woman. If you were more confident in your relationship you wouldn't be so upset about hubby taking to a stranger.

2008-01-01 02:32:23 · answer #2 · answered by old-softy 3 · 0 1

You've got it. As for a "good" reason to be cheating on your husband... Having been cuckolded 6+ years ago, I'm either not the right person to be answering that r the perfect one, so here goes!
My ex-wife told me she did it because she felt "dead" inside and she was trying to find a 'spark'. And men paying attention to her and trying (AND GETTING) her into bed made her feel alive again. Now... as for her, she ultimately got fired from her law firm because nobody in her office wanted to work with the girl who everyone whispered (rightly) was screwing the boss. So, yes, I think they thought of her as quite the skank, despite the fact that I, with years of distance to provide perspective, know she was just a beautiful, easily manipulated, fool. She didn't mean to hurt me, or run out on the marriage, but she never thought I'd catch her, either.

2007-12-31 18:08:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0