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i read about humanzee .is it truly a hybrid between chimpanzee and human? if so may i know about it's parents

2007-12-31 17:25:31 · 10 answers · asked by packka_bombom 1 in Social Science Anthropology

10 answers

There's no known human-chimp hybrid, although it's been claimed to have happened a couple of times, once in China and once in America in the twenties.

Even though humans have a different chromosome number than chimps, this wouldn't rule out a hybrid, as donkeys and horses make mules. I could practically guarantee it's infertility though. Camels and Llamas come from different continents and have been separated by tens of millions of years, yet they still managed to produce a hybrid, the cama.

As for stating they couldn't hybridise because the Neanderthals couldn't, that one is a long way from being settled, as some really freaky mitochondrial DNA has turned up in ancient human bones,and it's closer to Neanderthal than human.

2008-01-01 02:34:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No--any similarities between humans and chimps that lead people to think there is a "humanzee" are due to the fact that we are so closely related. For example, look at this female bonobo: http://www.ilaboyou.jp/Resources/bonobo.JPG
After a few laser hair removal treatments she could be a sideshow attraction as a humanzee herself.

2008-01-01 04:23:11 · answer #2 · answered by Q 7 · 1 0


You're asking about Oliver a chimp that's been around since the 1970s. He was recently the topic of a Discovery show.

His DNA has been tested and he's a full chimpanzee. No human genes at all.

Most of the hybrid talk was based on his odd appearance and some supposedly unchimplike behavior.

Humans and chimps split from each other 8 million years ago. While we are similar genetically, it's not enough for crossbreeding to occur. Stalin in the 1920s funded a project to try to create a hybrid. The experiment failed and the chief secintist was sent into exile.


2007-12-31 18:54:31 · answer #3 · answered by icabod 7 · 3 0

No. Scientists believe that humans and chimpanzees could still interbreed with each other 4 or 5 million years ago and probably often did but not today.

Apparently too many differences have accumulated in the genome sequences of the two species since that time for interbreeding to be possible today.

Neanderthals are ten times closer related to us than chimpanzees and scientists are not sure that a modern human and a Neanderthal would be able to mate with each other either if Neanderthals, hypethetically, were to come back to Earth today. They consider Neanderthal Man to be a boderline case.

On the other hand, Cro-Magnons and Grimaldis (extinct for about 12,000 years) were close enough to modern humans that intermarriage would still be possible if they reappeared on Earth today.

2007-12-31 18:02:02 · answer #4 · answered by Brennus 6 · 3 0

This topic has been argued between theist and evolutionist for a while. But as far as I'm aware of, their is NO real Hybrid. Not one that is accepted by a large number of scientist anyways.

2007-12-31 17:44:46 · answer #5 · answered by HybridTheoryora 2 · 1 0

i get 50 mpg in my baby

2007-12-31 17:30:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Avril Lavigne.

2007-12-31 17:27:25 · answer #7 · answered by g 3 · 2 1

ever hear of bigfoot? them is hybrids, though most people dont believe in their existence as they've not seen em yet... which you'll never see one in the middle of a city.

2008-01-01 09:52:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are only Humans, & Apes. Not related in any way whatsoever..

2008-01-01 12:43:02 · answer #9 · answered by jingles 3 · 1 3

Sasquatch, Big Foot, Yeti.....all?

2007-12-31 20:13:42 · answer #10 · answered by cowboydoc 7 · 1 2