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add with tax

2007-12-31 16:23:21 · 4 answers · asked by --- 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

4 answers




Where T = the Tax rate in decimal notation.

So if you had a 4% tax the equation would be

173.98(1+.04)= 180.9392

Or you can forget decimal notation and make a minor adjustment to the formula.

SUM [1+(T/100)]


But the 4/100 still converts to the decimal equivalent of 4%

Good Luck!

2007-12-31 17:24:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What tax?
As the person before me said, add up the values then multiply by the percent (convert it to decimal and add it to 1.0) to have number to multiply by

2007-12-31 16:33:25 · answer #2 · answered by junior12284 3 · 1 0

Add with tax - how much tax?
If you add the 4 values together you get $173.98 - simple math.
If you multiply that number by the tax percentage then add that to the 173.98 you get the total amount including tax.

2007-12-31 16:26:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

$59.50 + $39.50 + $39.99 + $34.99 + ($59.50 + $39.50 + $39.99 + $34.99) x t%(tax)
= $99.00 + $39.99 + $34.99 + $173.98 x t%(tax)
= $138.99 + $34.99 + $173.98 t%(tax)
= $173.98 + 173.98 x t%(tax)

2007-12-31 21:21:12 · answer #4 · answered by An ESL Learner 7 · 1 0