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8 answers

Bleach will cause the gas tank to rust. You will need to have the tank removed from the vehicle and it will need to be flushed to remove all of the bleach and remove any rust that may have started to form.
If you just drain the tank, the rust will eventually flake off and clog the fuel system.

2007-12-31 16:50:18 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 4 · 1 0

Dont even turn the key on at all when you turn the key on it pumps the fuel into the engine. Drop the gas tank and drain the fuel is really your only option.

2008-01-01 02:49:37 · answer #2 · answered by Fred M 2 · 0 0

Do not siphon the tank,you can not get all of it out this way.The tank needs to be removed,drain and flushed.

2008-01-01 01:46:45 · answer #3 · answered by kwhotrods 6 · 0 0


happy new years

2008-01-01 00:31:28 · answer #4 · answered by 1999 Nissan Skyline GTR Vspec 5 · 1 0

Don't start your car, it will make the bleach run through the fuel system which will potentially kill your car. Siphon the contaminated fuel out of your car and replace it with new fresh gas, then redo the process again, and thats pretty much the only thing you can do. Good luck tho and how did this happen?

2008-01-01 00:25:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do not start your car, get it towed to a service center and have them drain it.

Again, do not start your car!!!!

2008-01-01 00:24:25 · answer #6 · answered by Existentialist-Fever 3 · 1 0

If you suspect it is in the gas tank I would siphon out the gas, bound to gum up something if you run the engine. As for the rest, it shouldn't have done anything if you washed it off quickly

2008-01-01 00:23:26 · answer #7 · answered by ScSpec 7 · 1 0

start you car a see what happens..
what u do is you take like a big
straw..like a bug plastic one..i dunno wats its called
but suck ur mouth and
get a bucket and see put the
other end in the bucket
and jus let it drain out..

2008-01-01 00:19:43 · answer #8 · answered by lilxkhmerpete 3 · 0 3