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I have a large back living room and want to make part of it into an office. Does anyone know of a website or have any tips on how to build a simple wall. I have all the 2x4's that I will be needing.I dont want a real complicated wall, just a simple wall to divide the rooms up. my floor is pier and beam. this will not be a load bearing wall. I will get the drywall and everything after I build the frame. Just need to know how to get started and if there are any good sites with tips and "how-to's" thanks for the help...

2007-12-31 16:04:00 · 7 answers · asked by nAiRb 3 in Home & Garden Do It Yourself (DIY)

7 answers


2008-01-01 02:54:37 · answer #1 · answered by One Bad Mama Jama 4 · 1 0


2016-05-04 18:18:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

lay a 2x4 flat on the floor, how ever long you want the divider, starting at one end, place an x 1-1/2 wide, measure down 24 inches put another X do this to the other end of the board, board should be marked like this IXI--24 inches -IXI
across the 3 &1/2 inch width, then lay the board with the X,s on its side, nail the other 2x4 ,s to the x spots, laying them on there side, now how high is the celing? you will have to subtract 3 inches off each upright stud,
so you will have a 2x4 on the bottom 2x4,s as up rights, and a 2x4 on top of the up rights, a wall, your total hight cant be more than the celing hight, should be 1/4 less move it into place nail in in, while useing a plum level, then dry wall it,

2008-01-01 01:32:18 · answer #3 · answered by William B 7 · 0 0

In the event that you need to discover pleasant thoughts for woodworking I can propose you to check here http://woodworking.toptips.org

It's perfect in the event that you are simply starting out or in case you're a prepared carpenter.
It has thousands and thousands of woodworking arrangements and you have a CAD/DWG software to view and alter the arrangements. You have regulated instructions with photographs and excellent blueprints and schematics. On the off chance that you are a beginner this is the simplest approach to start your woodworking projects, and on the off chance that you already have experience you can at any rate discover a ton of interesting thoughts!

2014-09-26 07:35:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

building divider wall

2016-02-03 04:01:38 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Have you ever seen oriental screens? They're collapsible. Have you ever seen bookcases made out of bricks and plywood? You could build one of those, set it in the room as the divider and place fabric on one of the backsides (the bedroom side) to make it more like a bedroom. Keep the other side open to put your books and maybe even you TV on. Best.

2016-03-16 22:48:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nail one 2x4 flat on the floor where you want the wall.
Make a mark on the 2x4 1 1/2 inch from the wall,that is the outside edge of the first 2x4,from that point mark 16 inches spaces till the end of the wall so that when you nail the 2x4 they will be spaced 16 inches apart.
Cut the standing 2x4 to 91 1/2 inches.
Nail 3 or 4 of the standing 2x4to the base using two nails toenailed from one side and one from the other side.
Get a thin piece of wood (1x2) and nail it across the standing 2x4 making sure that they are 16 inches apart.
Brace the wall to the floor making sure that it is straight and perpendicular to the floor.
When you got 7 2x4 nailed,get an 8 foot 2x4 and nail it flat on top of the standing 2x4,starting at the middle of the first 2x4 and ending at the middle of the seventh 2x4 again making sure that you have 16 inches gaps.
When you reach the end of the wall put one 2x4 against the existing wall regardless of the gap from the last 2x4.
nail the first and last 2x4 to the existing walls making sure that they are straight.
Nail a second 2x4 flat on top of the wall,making sure that the joints dont'match(start with a small piece 2x4 and then use regular lenght).
You need to brace the wall with diagonal strips to give it rigidity.
Start at the base at the beginning of the wall and measure 8 feet.
Carry the mark to the top of the wall and snap a line on the face of the 2x4's.
Measure the distance between the 2x4 and cut a piece of 2x4 that lenght at 45 degrees going the same way.
Nail that to the 2x4 following the snap line.
After this snap a line going down and repeat.

2007-12-31 17:57:17 · answer #7 · answered by domedweller2 3 · 0 0

Well, if this were my room, I'd make the office side of the wall as shelving and/or cabinets for storage, perhaps even a small work surface or counter space. On the living room side, I'd put a couple of wall sconces for lighting, with room for some artwork, or a television.

Basically, you need a top and bottom plate. All your studs get nailed or screwed thru these. (I prefer screws) If you put even a short return on the ends of the wall it will be more stable, take more to knock it over, hehehe. Locate the floor joists, and run some lags down into them, to secure the wall. (Put some large washers under the lags to help hold the bottom plate).

Lowe's has a project center online, and can be a good resource for ideas and tips...even if you don't see anything about a 'divider' wall, there may be other projects listed which will use the same technique.

Good Luck

2007-12-31 17:21:10 · answer #8 · answered by thewrangler_sw 7 · 0 0