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What does a Promiss Ring, actually mean?

because i'm only asking.

2007-12-31 15:55:23 · 8 answers · asked by ☆Justtttt Me.★ツ 4 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

8 answers

A promise ring is also called a purity/chastity ring

yuo get the ring when your 13 and it encourages the girl to have pure thoughhts during the day.

But when your 18, you sign a contract with your parents to not to have sex until your 18

im pretty sure this only applies for the christian religion (and its only for girls)

2007-12-31 16:03:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i think of promise rings are a waste of money. He could desire to easily positioned the money away in the direction of a actual engagement ring merely in case you 2 get that some distance in a relationship so he'd have the money in the direction of a greater significant ring. yet so some distance as donning it, it could bypass on the left ring finger, and then replaced with the help of the engagement ring to instruct a step up in status. some women folk who positioned on wedding ceremony rings after a divorce pass the marriage rings over to the main ideas-blowing hand, yet maximum end donning all of them at the same time. i've got heard some widows do an analogous factor, yet maximum exhibit it continually on the left.

2016-10-03 00:23:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW... Nicole is really wrong. Not about it also being called a purity ring, but that its only for girls and that you get it when you are 13, and everything else she said. I have a Mormon friend who has one. Promise rings are kinda like a pre-engagement ring. But I have one as a promise to God that I wont have sex until I am married. It is to stay pure for Him. Some people have different views on them. Hope I helped you.

2007-12-31 16:22:13 · answer #3 · answered by ♥ ☮ ☺ ♫ 4 · 0 0

It is a ring that means you are willing to be committed to a person as friends, or boyfriend and girlfriend

2007-12-31 16:05:30 · answer #4 · answered by Kacey 3 · 1 0

in my opinion it is somewhat juvenile and something that high schoolers do. basically it is a pre engagement ring. like, we're not old enough or ready to get married now so we'll be promised to eachother and then in a few years we'll get engaged and then married.

2007-12-31 16:02:25 · answer #5 · answered by somebody's a mom!! 7 · 0 0

It's a lame way to make promises stronger. I don't think it works, as couples should be working more towards non-materialism in the first place.

2007-12-31 16:01:59 · answer #6 · answered by bablshams 3 · 0 3

I gave my girlfriend a promise ring to her it was to prove that i am ready for a commitment to her but we arent quite ready for that big step of being engaged. I shows that you are loyal to that one person and that you promise to come back to them and have a family together. Atleast thats what it meant to us.

2007-12-31 16:01:20 · answer #7 · answered by mp_robb_06 1 · 1 0

Its a ring that is similar to an engagement ring except not as harsh. If you are truely in love and plan to be with someone for a long time then its appropriate.

2007-12-31 15:59:35 · answer #8 · answered by Jessikah 3 · 0 0