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Seeking a new job as well as getting professional photos taken, and I have tried black to platinum-lol but I really want to know if I am warm or cool, once and for all, so I can get it together. As a kid went from a golden blonde to dark blonde to an ashy type and brown ? weird)-my eyes are green/hazel with light brown splash/jagged edges around pupil ,and green/greyish specks outside, skin fair (with a bit of pink on cheeks)with a tiny bit of freckles-top of nose and cheek only.trying to bleach them! A light yellow blonde washes me out and I look sallow/yellow. Seems I am jumbled-lol anyone have a clue? I know that a deep red/ burg(like the blue under tone )makes me yellow-ish, but a light red color with gold hi-lites looks nice (copper they called it). ppl say copper makes my eyes so bright &green and skin "porcelain". However, I might just choose a brown shade- I love dark brown (even black) I need confidence, to look "polished" (nervous)PS .My stylist said "warm"-but unsure. ??

2007-12-31 15:41:22 · 3 answers · asked by Darkness Soothes Me 2 in Beauty & Style Makeup

I guess confused b/c I fit Autumn well, except my hair went thru any ashy dark blonde faze. The copper looked nice, it actually took red away from my face and made me look porcelain they say. I don't have red in cheeks, just like a bit on lower cheeks. I have a clear nice complexion. I wish I had black hair naturally- love it! but my eye lashes are dark blonde!

2007-12-31 22:34:52 · update #1

3 answers

Autumn - same as me!
ivory, warm beige, tomato red, peach, orange, rust, golden yellow, lime, kelly green, olive, moss green; aqua, turquoise, teal, bright purple, caramel, espresso brown, and gold jewelry.
Buy jackets, pants, skirts in your neutrals - caramel, olive, brown; as well as shoes/belts/bags to go with them.
Buy tops [ blouses, Ts, sweaters ] in your pastels and brights -more flattering to the face.
Collect jewelry in 'your' metal, and gemstones in your colors.
Hair - try golden blonde to golden brown.

2007-12-31 16:25:38 · answer #1 · answered by Nurse Susan 7 · 0 0

depends on the job you're interviewing for. dress for the job. generally considered good choices are greys, navy blue's. maybe solids or pin stripes. go with a business attire. not too formal. business casual. to business suit again depending on the job. very limited accesories. a small watch. one ring. small earings (no more than one in each ear). If you feel you mist wear a necklace keep it simple. if you're wearing a skirt absolutely wear hose that match your skin color rather than your clothing. dark shoes black if you have them, otherwsie be sure thy match your outfit. flat or very low heels. stay calm and poised. dont talk too much. answer questions direcvtly, completely but briefly. try to be thorough but not too long winded. elaborate when asked to do so. ASK QUESTIONS. if you really cant think of anything (most people cant) ask at the end... something like... do you have an idea how long before a selection will be made? will you be notifying all those being interviewd or when can I call to find out the results of the interview? is the person I would be reporting to in the room? if yes... what can you tell me about your style of leadership.. or what can you tell me about your expectation of me during my first 30 days of employment? are there any pending projects that are behind that i'd need to jump on right away or would there be a period of training in the new position? think about at least two or three questions. it shows interest. then always end it with the final confident selling of yourself. something like.... well of course i dont know who your other candidates are, but i feel confident that i will make an excellent choice for this position and I hope to hear from you soon with a positive response in my selection. say thank you and wish the interviewrs a wonderful day. best of luck

2016-05-28 08:07:44 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

you said copper made you look to bright so i would try a med. brown with white accent then it will tone down your rose cheeks and not make your face look so bright.

happy new year

2007-12-31 15:51:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0