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i will probably take it back and trade it or something,
but i might try it just one more time.
so um please explain whats going on.
ok, i fight all the little dudes to get into the mine place and then like one of my party thing is fainted
and i can't beat the snail thing or the "lightning whelk"
how do i make them not lose so much "HP" or make them not fainted anymore.


2007-12-31 15:22:25 · 4 answers · asked by cutepinkninja<3 1 in Games & Recreation Toys

4 answers

phoenix downs revives fainted people (or kills the undead), if you dont have one maybe one of the monsters you beat may drop it. Also, The snail thing, Ymir, you must not attack it while it isnt in its shell, or it will counter back with a powerful thunder attack. Instead, while it is in its shell, defend and heal if you need to (Healing Force, which heals a character), and dont attack it with Thunder beam, it absorbs thunder. So if your HP is ever low, instead of attacking, heal.

Oh and i wouldnt return it. its a pretty good game

2008-01-02 12:06:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

oh.. this isn't a good introductory final fantasy.. it's a good game, but i dont' recommend it for your first. my advice? yea, trade it in - possibly for harvest moon: [more] friends of mineral town (very fun game, one of my personal favorites)

anyway, on to what's happening.

to bring someone that's fainted back up, use an item called a phoenix down - i don't remember if you get any at the beginning of the game. when hps are low, since you're in the robot thing i think, use the cure beam that the girl can do, and cast it on the guys who are low hp

for the whelk, only attack it when you see it's head. when it goes into the shell, don't attack

2008-01-01 02:23:01 · answer #2 · answered by Jim 7 · 0 0

I think you asked this twice accidentally. That's okay, just see the answer I put in the other question.

One other tip, when you get to the part with three parties- protect the girl from both sides, and use one party to attack the chief at the bottom. That way, if something slips by you, you're protected with the reserves.

2007-12-31 23:28:13 · answer #3 · answered by BDOLE 6 · 0 0

to kill the snail, you must not make a move while its head is hidden. it will just absorb some energy for a strong attack. only attack when its head is shown.

2008-01-02 06:20:41 · answer #4 · answered by iamXD 4 · 0 0